New skids, old skid, the favorite, the golden uterus, where does that leave ME??
This is a long story.
So I have SD10 living full time with my SO and my 4 month old. She is her BM in a smaller body. Pure, trashy, evil... That's not really what this post is about though, just saying what I already have FULL TIME. Thankfully BM1 does not run our life, SO hates her so we both laugh at her attempt to cause drama. We have full legal, custodial rights so she can't really do anything to us.
Ok, so I met my SO last year March. We had both been going through divorce/separation and really just took comfort in each other company. Well, I got put on some anti-biotics, enter DD, pregnant by August. By my own fault I knew almost nothing of BM2 mother of SS4 and SD2 until AFTER I was already pregnant and my boat was pretty much tied to his. Come to find out his wife, yes still currently his wife, had left him with no reason and took his two kids to another state. She broke all contact with him, left him heartbroken, and he still has not seen his kids for 19 months now. Well, she had his one and only son, which by his own admission is his favorite child. And he never tried to get his kids back because he said he needed A LOT of money for a lawyer. Well, we have money but she conveniently started talking to him about a month ago. This is probably about the 3 time she has done this. My theory is when she gets lonely she gets in touch for a few weeks. So again she is "trying to work with him". So now he "doesn't want to get her in trouble" so he is not trying to get any legal arrangement. She is supposedly bringing the kids to visit next month for a day. Oh, did I mention she has no idea I even exist or that he has another child.
I already know he still has feelings for her. And I know that he is not nearly attached to me. And I know that his son is more important than all his girls combined. He even said he only wanted me to have a boy but he still wouldn't be any kind of substitute for his first son. And now that he's talking to ex she is the most wonderful being on the planet. They txt all the time and talk on the phone, but I need not be worried because its all for the kids of course. On one hand I'm glad because I know she won't be bringing the kids very often if she does at all. And with my experiences with SD10 I can't be so sorry about that. On the other hand I want him to sick it to the golden uterus and get over the evil witch already. I think she enjoys how much affect she has on him and I'm terrified for when she comes back in the picture to see what will happen to me and my baby. She is the most manipulative person. And I don't want my life run by her any more than it is. He is paying everything in child support, we aren't able to pay rent and she's getting her hair and nails done, dressed to the nines and going on trips and going to football games.
SO and I have had the must ridiculous fights lately. He says I pick then (maybe because I'm feeling VERY unimportant) and I feel like he acts like an ass after talking to golden uterus. Plus, I'm so nervous about 2 more skids. And with how SD10 is with my DD4 months I'm worried for her too. Plus, how is golden uterus going to act when she find out about me. Then pile on top of all that stress, my SO and I constantly fighting.
I'm not sure what the point of this post is, any advice I would love, getting my fears/stresses out there and venting is such a weight lifted off me, and knowing I have support through my stalkers.
- newbiemommy's blog
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Sorry, the only thought I'm
Sorry, the only thought I'm having is ...does this guy not know what a damn condom is?
4 kids from 3 baby mommas??? And he's married still...girl I'm sorry but what are you thinking??
If she lives far away how do you know why she gets her hair did...if he can't pay rent how about quit spreading seed around...geesh...this story is OUT there.
Lol! Agreed! What was/am I
Lol! Agreed! What was/am I thinking. Like I said I didn't know about BM2 or kids 2 & 3 until after I was preggo. Yes, stupid and my own fault. I didn't find out they were married until I was 8 months with DD. And I know about heer spending habits because... I'm a facebook stalker.
I know totally self inflicted drama there.
Your bf, so, whatever he
Your bf, so, whatever he is...sounds like real scum honestly-I'd bolt and never look back, but that's JMO
What kind of man doesn't mention his previous children and being married...what a deceptive pig. AND doesn't use precaution with you either. AND he's not "over his ex"...from your other blogs he's also verbally abusive to you...this isn't worth it.
Thank you for your input. I
Thank you for your input. I really am taking it to heart. I've been trying to give this a real shot and see how he acts with her before making a judgement. Maybe I don't need to wait. He is very verbally abusive sometimes but I do see him try too. And after our last couple fights he had come back and pointed out where he was wrong and apologized. I know that's not everything. And this is my first baby so its very hard for me to leave her father. But believe me when I say I am making arrangements for my daughter and I in the case we need to leave. Do you think its too much to give him til the end if the year??
I think unless you're in
I think unless you're in danger, I would just use the time between now and end of the year to save up some $ and square away your exit plans. Go and file for CS---since I'm sure kid 5 is on the way w/the next victim.
That's the plan at this
That's the plan at this point. I already have a place and I'm putting huge amounts of money away every month. Unless I see some huge changes. Which he has made small steps but I don't find that enough at this point. And yeah, if he can't shape up and make it with me I'm guessing there's going to be a 5 & who knows how many more kids and mommas.
Wow, what a mess. 3 women, 4
Wow, what a mess. 3 women, 4 kids, he's married (not to you) and is more attached to another woman than he is to you.
I guess I'm not seeing what you see in him, because I would have chalked this up to a lack of judgement and moved on, taking my baby with me.
This isn't good for you or
This isn't good for you or your child, it really isn't. Don't even know where to start....The ex and him caring more about her than you, the boy ( the golden penis here ???) so much more important than all the girls combined, his ex not knowing about you, and on and on. He must be really handsome or something, because I don't understand why you would put yourself through that. Think of your little girl and think of the day she grows up and meets a man, what would you tell her if she told you she was in a situation like this? That should be your answer. Sorry your life is so hard right now, I hope you can turn things around before long.
Initially he was very
Initially he was very charismatic and good looking and optimistic. That and my own stupidity is what got me into this situation.
Now, I see a guy who does care about me. He tries to own up to his mistakes. He tries to take care of me. He does want the best for me, he's very encouraging that I reach my potential. When we are alone he's very attentive and caring. I see his potential. He has moments where he is wonderful but then his "I've been wounded" defensive, me-first, alter ego comes out.
Just a thought, or a little
Just a thought, or a little chuckle Newbie- when they were teaching hygene and sex ed in High school, was your so absent?