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Totally O/T card or not?

MoominMama's picture

Need some input on this as it's the first time i've had a son marrying Smile

As his mother and as future mother in law of his beloved do I send the couple a wedding card with wishes? Obviously I will be there at the wedding to give my love and best wishes but I wondered should I send a card too? or take it with me?? Is the card for before or after the wedding? i.e. congrats on your wedding or best wishes on your future wedding.

any ideas?

SS so wants to make amends (not!)

MoominMama's picture

So much for making amends. It was DH's birthday yesterday. Not a peep from SS18. No birthday card, no gift (he has access to his account and money in it) and not even a 'happy birthday dad'. Just radio silence.

We sat down to dinner and DH said very pointedly 'I am going to have a beer as it's my birthday today' (he only drinks on weekends normally). SS mumbled 'happy birthday' and we both just ignored him.

I just detest that boy but, he will get the same from us on his birthday. Jack squat, niks, a big fat zero and a complete ignoral.

Update: SS18 Sticky fingers

MoominMama's picture

So, now we are at a strange sort of 'calm after the storm' situation.

We changed the password on the modem/digibox as SS has now been banned from using the internet here. DH didn't tell him though. We were expecting him to come downstairs and ask if there was something wrong with the internet as he could not access it but he didn't. Strange... DH went upstairs into his room and of course, he was using a cable. DH ripped that out of the wall and confiscated it. Told him that our internet was not available to him after his actions.

OT - cursed?

MoominMama's picture

As you might have read, DH had an accident recently. Along with many other things that keep going wrong, accidents, losses etc we are beginning to feel cursed. I think BM has finally found her calling and put a curse on us (she looks lika a flippin' witch). Wacko

Anyone believe in that sort of stuff? This run of bad luck seems to be never ending, forget the bad luck comes in 3's.

That sticky fingered git - Vent

MoominMama's picture

Well, he's back at it and right at the moment I want to strangle him.

DH had an accident on his bike (he cycles to work and back each day, about 10 miles each way. It's an environmental initiative that he gets a small cash award for) and was in hospital for 2 days with concussion and contusions to the face, stiches around his eye and lid where his glasses embedded themselves.  He is out now and he's ok, just recovering.

But... sticky fingers SS took advantage of this. In the kerfuffle and being busy when DH arrived home that night I stupidly left my
