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OT - cursed?

MoominMama's picture

As you might have read, DH had an accident recently. Along with many other things that keep going wrong, accidents, losses etc we are beginning to feel cursed. I think BM has finally found her calling and put a curse on us (she looks lika a flippin' witch). Wacko

Anyone believe in that sort of stuff? This run of bad luck seems to be never ending, forget the bad luck comes in 3's.

The accident he had and the facial injuries are worse than I thought. He will be permanently scarred. Although, you could say that he was lucky not to have lost his eye. Try to look on the plus side I suppose.

List of unfortunate events:-

1) Car accident, no one hurt though, insurance only paid out half as there was a fight between insurance companies (the insurance is weird here not like the UK)

2) Car got sick - seemed a minor thing but the garage ripped us off for 1200 euro and replaced a part that wasn't ill. New to area then so we didn't know a good garage. Found a good guy and he told us we had been ripped off.

3) DH dropped his new phone and smashed that up. Needed new one.

4) New summer house leaks like a sieve and has to be taken down and reset and bits repaired and sealed. Ripped off again.

5) DH's computer caught fire.

6) DH frozen shoulder and operation.

7) New glasses needed. Opticians completely messed up the prescription - took weeks to sort that out and a new prescription  


8. Flooded basement twice

9) High winds caught DH's driver side door and it smashed agains another car in the works parking. Damaged the persons car.

10) The accident this week.

11) The glasses bought 8 weeks ago after much trouble are completely F***D and can't be claimed on the work insurance as was first told to us.


So, some of these might seem trivial to some but it adds up to a lot of woes. Then we had SS deciding to be A hole of the century  stealing from my purse whilst I was busy dealing with his fathers return from hospital.

Life is great. Just waiting for the next lot. Dash 1



MoominMama's picture

I want to scream though. I had a gin. That helps. And last night I ate three desserts. Drinks

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Maybe you should have had 3 gins...

Sorry about all the negative things happening. {{{hugs}}}

notsurehowtodeal's picture

The first couple of years after DHs divorce it seemed like nothing every went right for him (except meeting me of course!) His son and girlfriend were living with BM and are practicing Wiccans. Although Wiccans usually send good out with their spells, I believe they can also send negative energy. I began to feel like it was either that or BM hired a Bruja (Mexican Witch.) I was beginning to look in to ways to find a protection spell of some sort when things began to get better. The timing seemed to be right as relations between DH and BM and DH and SS began to get better about the same time. I was never quite sure what happened, but I approach these things with an open mind.

StepUltimate's picture

My dad cheated on my mom over the years, and when I was 17 he was hanging out with a co-worker. I was unaware, except one day I had this vibe I needed to pray for my dad. All day. Went home & told my dad, and he was shocked & told me that "lady" had just told him that afternoon that she was a witch & could not figure out how he'd been able to resist her. She'd even had him hang some India bell charm in the window. I took it dow & threw in the garbage. So there were spiritual/demonic activity going on, and I'm convinced my angels tipped me off to pray that day.