BF: "How much money is appropriate to give a son for his wedding?"
Some background:
BM got preggo at 16, the biofather of the baby wanted nothing to do with her or baby.
BM meets BF when her kid was about 1, they date and BF lets her & SS move into his apartment and supports unemployed BM & her kid as if he's his own.
BM, by the way, dropped out of high school & never got her GED or her driver's license until years later (when she was dating BF). She also never had a job (go figure, a baby but no job) until years later.
BF finally told her she HAD to get her license, get her GED and get a JOB years into their dating relationship, because he was finding it difficult to support them all on his salary as a young construction worker - he paid everything for years: rent, utilities, car, health care benefits, etc...
BM still too lazy to find a job, so BF tried to get her a union job through his company (flag waver or something) - eventually, she gets the GED, the drivers license & the flag waver job.
BM eventually quits flag waver job (and many other jobs) in between all this over the years.
BF marries BM 7 years later.
BF goes to find biofather of the kid, locates him, and asks for him to sign over his parental rights as a father, so that BF can legally adopt him & can provide for SS (i.e. health insurance, etc...) as his son, so as to give him a good, stable life.
Biofather happily signs over parental rights to BF stating "You mean if I sign this paper right here, that I don't have to deal with that crazy whore ever again (referring to BM)? All she cares about is child support, money and nothing else. Sure! Where do I sign?"
Fast forward during BM & BF's marriage, they struggle about disciplining SS and BM's double standard prevails: BM: "YOU ARE TOO HARD ON SS! You make him do too much. Leave him alone, blah, blah, blah..." All the while, BM expects BF to financially provide for her & SS, put a roof over their heads, health insurance, pay all bills, etc...., yet doesn't allow BF to be SS's father in any other sense of the word.
During BF & BM's marriage, they have 1 daughter (now SD15) and 1 son (now SS12) and they divorce after 10 years of a very tumultuous marriage.
BF worked 2 jobs the entire time he was married to support BM & all kids.
BM likes to spend $, but not work.
BM likes to buy expensive clothes for SS & kids, but expects BF to pay 100%.
BM likes to go out and party all night with "friends" (she would meet friends at various jobs she would temporarily get, then quit - like waitressing & bartending) after work
BM would accuse BF of "never being home" with her, yet had NO problem racking up the bills and not working to contribute.
BM would stay on her computer all night every night and "role play" on vampire sites, etc... she had about 5 different screen names (at least) at all times.
BM would sit on her cell phone & rack up $500/mo. or more cell bills (back then, minutes cost a lot of money, so you couldn't just sit on the phone all day & night), then when BF would ask her to please not be on her cell so much because he couldn't afford the astronomical bills, she started hiding the bills and paying them out of her waitressing $$$.
BM's "secret" life on internet & clubbing at night takes a toll on their marriage (she cheats, probably more than once, although this has never been "proven")
BM basically spoils SS rotten the entire time raising him, despite BF's attempts to try to raise him to be responsible
BF helps SS start college by telling him that so long as his grades are "B" or better, he'll pay for it, so SS enrolls at the local community college. He drops out weeks later (unbeknownst to BF), doesn't withdraw (officially) with the college, so that BF loses ALL the money he paid at the beginning of the school year to the college.
SS's response: What do you want me to do? I'm not paying for it, that's for sure!
Finally, BM & BF divorce after 10 years together.
SS26 (then about 19 at the time) was nasty & abusive towards BF & ended up signing affidavits for BM's lawyer BASHING BF has a father with stupid, nasty statements that were TOTAL LIES. He tells BF (his adopted father) that he's "just the billpayer to him, he's NOT his father" and talks shit about BF behind his back to EVERYONE he sees (including BF's own family!!!).
SS26, like BM, can't hold a steady job (has had more jobs in the past 7 yrs. than anyone I've ever known - and all in completely different fields - he's like the WORST bullshit artist salesman you've EVER met!!.
SS26 also can't hold the same apartment long either (he's had about 5 different apartments in the past 7 yrs. and always has some "excuse" for why it doesn't work out).
SS26 always has had his cars paid for by BM's uncle since graduating high school (1st brand new car SS blew the engine, 2nd brand new car he got a DWI conviction, his license revoked for 1 year, then totalled the car in an accident that supposedly wasn't his fault about 6 mos ago)
SS26 always thinks there's a faster, easier way to make money than the old fashioned "go out and earn it" way - he thinks anyone that is blue-collared, working 40-60 hr. work weeks are "suckers" and he's always into the "get rich quick" schemes that, so far, haven't panned out for him...not QUITE yet anyway (lol).......
Fast forward:
SS26 has now decided to propose to his girlfriend and get married this August 1st.
Coincidence: his girlfriend just got herself a new apartment & told SS that she didn't want them to live together until they were "committed" - voila! A few weeks later,they're engaged & he moves in!!
So he tells BM & BF and of course, BM is all excited and happy for him.
SS26 has no money - not a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, btw
Dilemma: BF says he spoke to BM and she thinks that they should pay for the rehearsal dinner before the wedding AND the honeymoon - and that they should SPLIT THE COST!!
Lesson: here's a kid that literally learned to USE everyone from his lazy, user BM, he really hasn't had much (if any) contact with BF in the past few years (BF has called & texted him DOZENS upon DOZENS of times to have dinner with him, spend time with him, celebrate their bday together, etc... and the ONLY times SS EVER agrees to it is when he's getting something out of BF or if he needs to "borrow" something - i.e. BF's luggage, etc..., you get the drift here). Even at 26, these ungrateful skids STILL manage to get themselves into a situation and expect SOMEONE ELSE to pay for it/get them out of it!!!
If I had treated my parents halfway as HORRIBLY as SS26 has treated my BF, they would've DISOWNED me YEARS AGO!!
Any takers on how I feel about all of this crap? What would YOU do???
SO SORRY EVERYONE FOR THE LOOOONG POST!! I haven't posted in awhile so I'm making up for lost time - lol.
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LOL!! Yeh, Milo can put it
LOL!! Yeh, Milo can put it in a sympathy card addressed to the girlfriend.
"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore
For this kid, a $50 walmart
For this kid, a $50 walmart gift card max. Nothing more than the aunt and uncle he rarely sees would give. Or better yet, a set of towels. Not expensive towels, just towels.
stepmasochist, I hear ya!
stepmasochist, I hear ya! Sounds great - now if I can only try to convince BF about your suggestion...
I am asking the same
I am asking the same question about my SS's upcoming graduation - how much is an appropriate gift? Especially when you have already spent so much time, money and energy into a child that has been PAS'd against you.
I disengaged from the BM/SS drama awhile ago and now I consider SS like a distant family member. So I am using that as my guideline. What would I give to a cousin or niece who is graduating high school? Maybe you could use a similar approach to decide what's appropriate for a wedding gift.
justanotherSM, I was just
justanotherSM, I was just mentioning below that this will all be on BF, as he is FULLY aware that I will not be contributing a PENNY to this loser SS26 (he's not even BF's biokid, for heaven's sake!!) because I've seen how he has treated BF through all these years we've been together.
So BF will probably be forking over about $2,000 when all is said and done to this ingrate for his wedding & honeymoon.
I wasn't around yet for SS26's high school graduation - thank goodness.
I agree with your guideline either way - whatever you'd give a distant cousin, that sounds like MORE than enough.
LOL!! Soverysad, crayon,
LOL!! Soverysad, crayon, steperg!!! You guys really crack me up with your replies!! I know, I know, I feel the same way about can't make this skid shit up, can you?? How do you think I FEEL, I'm LIVING this shit!
Trust me, ladies, I haven't even mentioned ALL of the sorry details of this loser SS26 & BM, as my OP was already too lengthy.
I've seen BF try to be the "good father" to this ungrateful young guy for the entire 6+ yrs. I've dated BF - even including the entire time of their divorce (which was dragged out 2 extra yrs. because BM kept fighting for more and more MONEY - shocker!)
I've joked with BF MANY times earlier in our relationship "what the HELL did you see in BM that you actually MARRIED HER?? The writing was SO ON THE WALL with her & her greedy ways." He gave, gave, gave and she took, took, took - for many years. BF just shrugs and says "I was in my late 20's, I guess I thought after dating her for 7 years that marrying her was the "right thing to do" back then...I guess I didn't know any better. Young, dumb and full of c_m."
So I know that this wedding $$ decision is TOTALLY on BF (as he is FULLY aware that I won't contribute a DIME to SS26's wedding because of how badly I've watched him treat BF all these years). He's talking about spending $2,000 on SS26 when all is said and done. Whatever!
P.S. I love the "Divorce Attorney" gift card idea crayon!! Brilliant!
P.P.S. Trust me, I've tried on more than one occasion to subtly talk some sense into SS26's fiancee' (she's been dating him for about 6 yrs. now, so she can SEE how he can't get his act together and his bullshit stories, get-rich-quick scheme attitude, etc...), but she seems to be happy & wants to go through with it. I feel sooo sorry for her. She knows BM, too and how she is. I dunno, she's just a young schoolteacher that just got her first full-time gig (which took her over 3 years because the job market here in NY is so bad for teachers just starting out - there are NO jobs available the teaching market is too saturated here). She just seems to be burying her head in the sand and seems to desperately want to get married, even if it's to SS26 loser.
That poor girl is in for a
That poor girl is in for a world of hurt. And when they divorce SHE'LL be paying him alimony.
"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore
soverysad, that's EXACTLY
soverysad, that's EXACTLY what I was thinking! But first, he'll get her pregnant and have her pop out 2-3 kids, so he can collect CS from HER since she'll be the BREADWINNER of their family/marriage!! You know how NY is! He'll get 25% of her salary easily if they divorce - EXACTLY like his mommy is collecting from BF, coincidentally.
I wish there was SOMETHING I could do to convince her not to marry SS26 - he's SUCH an incredible loser. But I don't do anything, because SS26 is BM's biological child.
So BF will probably agree to fork over $2,000 to an adopted child that has basically treated him disrespectfully for the last 10 years.
sueu2, I can understand your
sueu2, I can understand your reply because you only have the limited info. about these people that I posted, not about the whole history (as that would be a 100 page post). So since you don't know me, or the background for my post, I have no problem with how you responded - but don't be so quick to judge me and my "bad-mouthing" BM. Trust me, she deserves it and a lot more.
Our BM is the most narcissistic, controlling, lazy, entitled, immoral and socially inept person I have ever known. She is a master PASinator and tries to use skids as pawns to manipulate BF as much as she can. She has absolutely NO appreciation for the fine man and amazing father that he is to her children - he still continues to provide her with a very comfortable lifestyle, pays a high amount of cs $$ payments every month AND we share 50/50 joint physical custody with her, too. He has no choice but to pay HER CS, because here in NY, whichever parent is the "breadwinner" of the 2 MUST pay the other parent, even in a true 50/50 situation. He also pays all of their health insurance, etc... Skids live with us 4 days/week and I do everything in my power to treat them with love and be the best role model I can be for them.
BM has absolutely DIRECTLY attempted to affect my relationship with BF for MANY, MANY years (and thank goodness, has failed in EVERY attempt) - nothing would make her happier than for BF & I to break up, because she probably always thought he'd be devastated without her. She has the common controlling "I don't want him, but I don't want anyone else to have him" mentality. Many people that know BF & I, including his own family members, have confirmed this to me and are so grateful that BF met someone like me and has someone like me in his life because I am so giving, I appreciate BF, I am just as hard-working and he has never been happier.
My post was not intended to "BASH" BM whatsoever, I was just stating the facts about her, plain and simple - as ugly as they are. It was necessary to give some "background" to my post because SS26 is HER biokid and how she is directly impacts on how SS26 has been raised, that's all. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this case, that's the point I was trying to convey.
500 to 2K for a wedding gift
500 to 2K for a wedding gift for an ungrateful kid whose not even your bio kid? are you kidding me? geez, I got 1K from my parents and that basically paid for my entire freaking addition, I went to their house ALL the time, DH and I helped them when we could to put up Christmas lights, do the yard work, decorate their house, you name it...
I think he deserves 50USD at best...
yeah my mom who LOVES
yeah my mom who LOVES me...says i get $5000. She gave my bro $2000, but only because he eloped and did not need more.
Wow, I could have written
Wow, I could have written most of this regarding SD21. My suggestion (as DH and I will do when/if SD decides to get married) is to sit down with DH and figure out a reasonable amount of money that you can afford, nothing more. Give it to them AT THE WEDDING, not before. No sense in losing money if they decide to call off the wedding. My guess would be 2,000 max. But based on his behavior, maybe not even that much. You have to factor in the past behavior as well. Maybe 1,000? Don't agree to pay for anything specific. If you agree to pay for the honeymoon for instance, they may choose to visit Italy for a month with a hotel room at $500 a night! What they choose to do with the money is their option. And make it clear that each child gets ONE wedding. Should they divorce and he decides to remarry, he gets nothing.
hey mugglemom! yes, that's
hey mugglemom! yes, that's what BM is asking BF to do: that they both split the cost of the rehearsal dinner and the honeymoon, not the wedding itself. sorry if I wasn't clear about that in my OP (understandably, since it's so long maybe you skipped it - lol).
the bride's parents are paying for the wedding, so they've chosen a fairly expensive venue on the water here in NY to have the wedding ceremony and the reception.
I agree with you about the Vegas suggestion (someone else above also mentioned it) - this skid doesn't have a pot to piss in, doesn't save a DIME in all these years, yet somehow expects BF to cough up 1/2 the cost of the rehearsal dinner (at a reasonably priced italian restaurant nearby) & honeymoon (they want to take a 1 week cruise to the Caribbean, I'm hearing).
The BEST part of this, is:
1. SS26 is so "grown up" and "mature" that he had BM call BF to discuss the $$$ for the dinner & honeymoon (he probably spoke to BM first and told her he didn't know how to ask BF, so naturally BM volunteered herself to do it, Queen Bully, or so she THINKS); and
2. BM has no $$$, so she's suggesting that she & BF SPLIT the cost of this, but we KNOW she's going to try to somehow wiggle her way out of paying HER HALF!
Sorry, I had to chime in
Sorry, I had to chime in again. That actually goes WAAAAYYYYY back to ??? soooo long ago when the father of the bride would give the groom livestock in exchange for taking his daughter's hand in marriage. Kind of a "please take her off my hands, and I'll offer you this lamb and ox" type of thing. So unbelieveably outdated. IMO, people should be paying for their own weddings, honeymoons, dinners, etc. If they can't afford much, then they shouldn't be planning a $30,000 wedding and getting into debt on the first day of their marriage.
And another thing: why are they ASKING for anything? Don't they know what a gift is? It comes from the heart. I would never have the balls to ASK someone for a gift, or even EXPECT a gift. Very presumptuous, don't you think?
Milomom, There is no way in
Milomom, There is no way in hell I would agree to give a kid like that anything. zip zero, nadda...
He hasn't treated his father, with any respect and has little or nothing to do with him, unless he has wanted something...
If BM wants to pay for all that I would say have at it... I am sure your BF is hurting over the treatment he has received..
If your BF were to insist on helping this is what my Step mom looked up when my brother got married.
She paid for the rehearsal dinner, and the photographers fee... NOT the pictures the fee for the night.. And if you BF wants to do that I would be sure he picked the place for the dinner, and was involved with picking the photographer.. No way in hell would I pay for a honeymoon, Hell I didn't even have one of those we drove to Missouri and stayed with my girlfriend and her husband we were soooooo poor then. UGH
unhappy2, I couldn't agree
unhappy2, I couldn't agree with you more!
I feel for my BF. He continues to try to be the good guy and always tries to do the right thing as SS26's father - never treats him any less than his own flesh & blood. Certainly never made this kid feel like he was "only adopted".
Meanwhile, I just cannot for the life of me understand why BF doesn't tell this kid exactly how it is - YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE, YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW!! I really think that BF is blind to this SS26 who just uses him when it's convenient or when he suddenly needs his "Dad" for something. He's a miniature version of BM - really such a loser & a user.
I'm not contributing one DIME to this wedding crap. This is BF's decision. He has already agreed with BM to split the cost of the rehearsal dinner and he's considering also splitting the cost of the honeymoon (they want to take a 1 week cruise to the Caribbean). So he's thinking of contributing about $2,000 - and since BM is broke and also a bullshit artist, she will most likely try to screw him over and not give her 1/2. He's aware of this part, at least, thankfully.
I'm thinking my BF asked me this question because he doesn't know what the appropriate amount is that he should be giving his "son". If I were him, I'd give him exactly what his "son" has given him through the years - grief and disrespect.
Milomom,, It is because he
Milomom,, It is because he loves him, I know that I tend to overlook my own sons faults because I love him.
If your BF wants to do this regardless of whether you agree or not, I would not stand in his way over a couple of thousand dollars... But I think that the honeymoon is out of line, believe me I personally would not contribute if I were you...
unhappy2, I know, I know - I
unhappy2, I know, I know - I hear you.
I'm a mush when it comes to BF, so I've already told BF that I supported him with whatever he decides to do with SS26's wedding to help him (although he knows that financially, he would not ask me to contribute). I even went along with him & other skids to take SS26 & his fiancee' out to dinner to congratulate them after they got engaged - and I offered to help his fiancee' with any wedding planning that she needed. She thanked me & showed me their new apartment and she showed me the bridesmaid dresses she chose online. SD15 was also asked to be a bridesmaid and SS12 was also asked to be in the wedding party. I feel bad for SS26's fiancee' more than anyone in this whole situation. She seems to be so excited - I wish I could "wake her up". I stay out of it, though, and share her excitement with all that is her wedding with her, because she's a great girl.
What I just don't get - this whole kids being MAJORLY disrespectful to parents and parents still HELPING and CONTRIBUTING (above and beyond just the basic concept of RAISING them for all those years) for their wedding? Hmmmm... like I said to someone else earlier, my parents would've DISOWNED me if I EVER treated them the way SS26 has with BF - and they would've been 100% RIGHT in doing so.
I lost my father 8 years ago and my mother 5 years ago. I loved them with all my heart and I never, ever disrespected them. I appreciated everything they ever did for me and my family (I have 8 brothers & sisters - lots of kids). I always worked hard, never expected a dime from my parents, paid for 4 yrs. of college MYSELF, 3 yrs. of law school MYSELF, my 2 brand new cars MYSELF (over 15 yrs), my house MYSELF (mortgage). So this whole concept of EXPECTING a parent to pay for a wedding when you've treated a parent the way SS26 has treated my BF over the past 6 yrs (and before I came along)...just boggles my mind, that's all.
I don't get it. But I do understand that he has loved SS26 for 25 years like his own flesh & blood, despite all the years of what he's put up with from him & BM. That's one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with BF - he's the most amazing, selfless man I've ever met - and this is just one small example of what he's all about.
Milomom,, YOU GOT A
Milomom,, YOU GOT A KEEPER!!! ♥ Really no one can understand pure love whether we or our skids deserve it or not.. I am proud of the things you have done whether you agree in your heart or not.. It would be hard to understand if it were me. And as much as I say I would not give this kid a dime... I am a sap and love my DH so I probably would help in the long run if asked....
(((HUGS ♥))))
My heart goes out to SS's
My heart goes out to SS's future wife!
I think that, if anything, you should send his future wife and his future wife alone a check. Does SS even know that DH isn't his biological father?
hey anon2009, that's funny
hey anon2009, that's funny you mentioned that!! Because I've already envisioned myself (just daydreaming, of course) pulling her aside next time I see them and "slipping" HER (the fiancee) some cash and saying "this is for YOU and YOU alone to figure out how this should be spent" - lol! But of course, SS26 would find out and tell BM - and that would make me the "Evil Milomom" that BM has already tried poisoning skids minds with for I'll just stay out of it and say a little prayer for her that she'll "wake up" soon, that's all...
Maybe I'll just hand SS's fiancee a list of recommended divorce attorneys here in NY, since I'm sure if SS26 & her do end up there, HE will try to take HER for alimony/maintenance, CS and anything else he can get his grubbing hands on. JUST.LIKE.HIS.MOTHER
Yes, SS26 knows that BF isn't his biological father. Oddly, BF told me he heard SS26 has been in contact with his biofather in the past few years - you know, to USE HIM also, like when he needed help moving in/out of his 5th apartment in 3 yrs. and he was probably too embarrassed to keep calling BF for help.
Oh, and BF told me that SS26 actually invited this guy (his biofather - BM's baby daddy from when she was 17) to the wedding, too - knowing FULL WELL that BF has raised him (SS26) as his own flesh & blood for 25 of the 26 yrs. he has been on this planet. I don't know, I just think it'll be a bit AWKWARD for BF, to say the least. I'm not surprised, though. SS26 will see it as another wedding gift ($$$) for him, and really doesn't give two shits about talking to BF about how he'll feel that day.
Milomom... I feel so bad for
Milomom... I feel so bad for your BF... Kicked in the teeth by the boy he raised as his own.. Sometimes I just hate Kids.. I don't understand how he could think after all these years that inviting his Birth father would be a good idea... Makes me want to cry for you both... Ungrateful Brat....
well whatever you can
well whatever you can afford.
we got $1000 from DHs parents $3000 from my parents. We covered the rest....
maybe offer to pay up to $500 for beer or something???
I would split the rehearsal
I would split the rehearsal dinner with BM but only up to a budgeted limit. No blank check.
Things must have changed since my first marriage. At that time the honeymoon was on the couple and not on either set of parents.
I would stick only with half of the rehearsal dinner and call it a day. If you want to give a wedding gift of money directly to the couple then do it but it should be separate from the contribution to the wedding costs.
Interestingly, my XILs asked my parents to help pay for half of the wedding to my XW. They wanted $15K from my parents. My parents told them that if we are giving a total of $30K to the kids for a wedding that they would give half but only in the form of a check directly to the two of us to use as we wished and not necessarily on the wedding.
My XMIL firmly refused stating that her daughter would have a wonderful wedding. So, my parents covered the rehearsal dinner and the flowers for the church. The funny part is that we married on Jan 2 at a large Catholic cathedral which still had the holiday flowers displayed so my parents had no cost associated with flowers.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)