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Long, but needed to talk to other steps

MercyMe's picture

Little background, I have been around my sd since she was the age of 2 1/2. Her bm is some piece of work but has gotten a little better over the years. We have always taken my sd when ever we could and pretty much we still can get her when ever we want because frankly her mother could give a rat's behind. Secoundly we have bought this child everything she has ever needed plus payed cs to his ex that in itself is annoying but I cant stand so see her do without because she cant help what her mother is ya know.

So for the past years things have really been hitting me and I find myself recentful sort to speak, I didnt mind doing all aboved mentioned befor and would do it with a smile but then now Im starting to see an ungreatful, smart mouth kid and it's making me feel like not doing so much anymore.

My husband and myself had a conversation back a couple months ago about school being out and in a few month having to buy school supplys, cloths, ect. for the kids and I told him its about time her mother do somthing for her child. last year we bought everything and I droped it at her house. guess what the 45 dollar pair of shoes I bought her I have never seen them since then, cloths always sending cloths and I never see her wear them she always comeing to the house with crappy cloths and I just dont get it?? does her mom do this thinking we will go out and buy more cloths for her or what? I stoped doing such on birthdays christmas or any other time the kids get batches of cloths sent from gparents I might send 1 outfit home with her and the rest stay at our house.

back on subject, well we have came to this year and next month school starts back, I told my husband honestly I would not be buying for sd this year that our child we have together comes first, this year will be his first year in school, and well I get cs from my ex for my dd so I use the cs to get my dd's school things that she needs and further more his ex needed to do the same, husband agrees weather or not he dont cave is a diffrent story but we shall see for the most part he rarely caves when once agreed apon.

Now comes the secound problem. I have this need to allow my sd stay longer on visits if she wants and she usually most always does. But I have found that I get stressed out after a couple days over what she normally says and I try to be nice like I said and give her the option of staying if she wants but why is it I feel like it always bites me in the arse when I do this! It's Like every time it bites me, I understand kids will be kids and will smart off here and there and be mean at time to one another its only natural I get that but geez!

My kids at home are well behaved sure they have their days like all kids do but for the most part they know they better darn well behave or they will be dealt with. Im a parent not a friend and my kids know this. but when it comes to my sd she is all the time mouthing off, to the point I have to get onto her 3 times usually to shut her mouth befor I threaten to smash it for her. Her father even had to get on to her this last week because she was getting down right ugly. we asked her if she does this sort of thing at her bms she says no and I believe her when she says this because her mother would litterly beat her butt if she talked the way she does here, there. so I asked her why on earth would she do it here knowing she would get into trouble, and the answer I dont know. That answer doesnt fly in my house. I dont know what to do with this kid and her mouth and hitting did I forget to talk about that ya, this child is all the time starting hitting fights with the other kids and it drives me crazy AND SHE IS 10 YEARS OLD!! I am at lose to what to do with this child she acts bad more then good and she can be really good when she wants to be. I know part of it is, at bm's there are hardly no rules. the most important rule at her mothers is be sneaking and not be seen whatever you do and dont piss her off and you will be fine pretty much, her mother dont care what any of her kids do thats why she has 2 kids that have drug problems both being under age and another kid thats all about boys boys boys, but I dont want my sd to turn out like that I want her to turn out better. I believe if we had her all the time which we had temp custody of her when she was younger she was the best kid all around I just hope things dont get worse.

Like I said she was a good kid when she was little, then the addituded started at age 5 and if you ask her why she is such a smart mouth she will tell you smiling because everyone at home is a smart mouth that I live with so I am to.. UHHHHHH

Anyone else deal with such things? I would really like to know that Im not alone in some of these areas.


MercyMe's picture

He backs me up when I do discipline her, but thats rarely unless he isnt around But even then he acts as if he doesnt like it if I get onto her and in the past he would say I would expecting to much of her or thought I was picking on her not so much now he has dropped that nonesense but he still shows signs that he doesnt like for me to get onto her hes never voiced it but I read peoples faces pretty well and its in his expressions.. If he is around I have Him do so but I always get disgusted almost because all he will do is give her a stern talking to. Now None of the kids hardly ever get spankings but Im a firm believe if you need your butt spanked you shall receive. Another reason why I get so recentful is because he doesn't seem to come down on her as hard as he would if it was the other two and it sorta causes problems he has gotten better he will actually discipline her in some way but its nothing to harsh its usually a slap on the hand most times like I said giving her talks or putting her in the corner but HELLO why am I the only one that knows putting a child at her age in the corner or just talking to her isnt going to work. I would never act on this, but some days I feel like just getting ahold of her and shakeing her!!

Im aware to a point that its not much of a reflection on me, but in some sense it sorta is, its embarrassing to be at family functions or on outings and I have a child that is constantly mouthing off somthing and people looking as if whats wrong with that child and if that was my child I would smash her mouth but what they dont realize is IM THINKING THE SAME THING!!!