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Mini wife

Maureen Gunderson's picture

Recently my husband and SD decided she could get a blue heeler puppy. Mind you we have a cat and a Husky that she never has cared for. To top off we have 2 other children both boys, one my son from before the other ours together. Never could they have gotten a puppy. When we got our husky it was a family affair. They have to take care of it along with me, never husband or SD. Neither talked to me as the wife and full time worker. And to top it off she is not acclimating it to our cat, she is with boyfriend all day. I had heelers and they kill cats. However my biggest problem is no ine even talked to me about this. Now there is a puppy( that will be a dog soon) in our home, not acclimated to our other dog or cat. The child is 16 and plays soccer and goes to school and supposedly is trying to get a job. That means once it isnt cute i will have to deal with it. Her grades are already failing, but disney dad so happy she decided to move in worh us( because for her zero rules) backing up- she is desrespectful of my other 2 sons and refused prior to help with chores once she kissed my ass to get in. See her mon is strict but my DH has zero rules for her. Oh he had for the boys, just not her. She even yelled prior to puppy how she hated me and wanted him to divorce me. He told me to shush and let her speak. I did and sadly i feel i am done. They can live together and I actually want to leave.


justmakingthebest's picture

Your husband told you to shush so she could continue to disrespect you??? And you didn't throw both of their asses out that night???

Have more respect for yourself than this! I think there are some things a marriage can't come back from and this might be one of those moments. 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

She wanted a hedgehog for her 14th birthday.  Now she is driving and dual enrolled.  She has a car and a job where she works 24 hours a week and is at the college and the highschool.  She has an active social life.  Guess who has to feed and water the hedgehog every night?  Guess who has to clean it's wheel and change out its fleece blankets and clean up the poop?  Guess who has to take it to the vet for check ups and order its expensive food?  Guess who has to go to the pet store and buy it live worms?  ME.  Any pet that "belongs" to a kid is the parent's responsibility.  Everyone knows that.  So for your husband and step daughter to do this without any input or permission from you is just awful. Hedgehogs at least are solitary creatures.  They want to be left alone but even then I have to take it out and let it explore.  Dogs are way, way, way more work.  

SeeYouNever's picture

I had a heeler, they are very smart but become vattached to one person in particular and can be pretty suspicious of people. Mine was a mix and I thought she got along with my cats but I had to be on her constantly to not bother them. Now that the dog has passed I see that my cats were miserable from being herded and are much happier now. 

Getting a teen a dog is a terrible idea, I would make sure your husband knows it's his dog.

CLove's picture

The dog is the least of yourr worries, Im afraid.

If you are already to the point where you are thinking of leaving, you are crispy done with this situation. It sounds like there is a LOT more going on than just they got a high maintenance dog without conculting you first. SD disrepected you and the others in the household that supports her full time. Your husband allowed her to disrespect you as she told you she hates you and your to hush!!!! WOW.

That pretty much would seal it for me at this point. because Im pretty crispy myself right now with 8 years of crap.

Get your ducks in a row. On your own, consult attorneys to see what you need to line up and get your ducks in a row. Then, if you really are at the end, you will not be getting screwed over. Talking with an attorney will help you see what your options are. You are not stuck - there are always options.

Very sad for the dog in this situation! But your poor kitty.

tog redux's picture

Your husband sounds very selfish. He lured SD into your home (why, to one up BM or not pay child support?) with no rules and structure, and now he's putting her above you in the family hierarchy.  

Maureen Gunderson's picture

Actually BM pays nothing and we even paid 2 yrs on his other aon when he didn't live with her anymore. She threatened him she would take his daughter out of soccer. Both her kids left at 16. My SS had real reasons to leave she was very mean to him. However i feel like SD just wanted the attention her brother got, yet she is spoiled by all. ( the only girl) it is wrong on so many levels and it is too late to look back. I should have been less understanding. I am in counseling for boundaries, it is expensive though and so i had to stop:( i push him and got all the paperwork yet he doesn't follow through. His daughter is just like the mom and i realize now that their manipulation works well on my husband. I honestly have zero time to manipulate people, my brain is fried just trying to work, keep the house and someday pursue my dream of selling my art. Thank God for this site. It is nice to know that others are out there.

missgingersnap2021's picture

Teach the dog to love only you and be mean to SD and DH! Smile Oh and go do something or get somethng without discusssing with DH first! (Like your own apt!)