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BM using SD as a tool....

MamaKrzewski's picture

Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel...BM finally realizes that she cannot get any more money out of my SO. The divorce will be finalized by the end of this month. She was trying to get it transferred to her state, but her state is an "at fault" state, and since she cheated and has her 10-year-old son from whothehellever, she will not get a dime. She tried to raise the child support, and quickly realized that it will be lowered due to the existence of my child, not to mention the fact that she can't say she has a zero income anymore (like she did WHILE WORKING when she originally went out for child support).

So she's screwed financially. She realizes that in 2 years she will have to either get pregnant by some other unsuspecting fool or find a way to support herself. But here's the clincher:

She is using one of her daughters as a tool against my SO. This daughter came up here last year for a week, because she didn't want to do something her mother wanted her to do. I have never said no to my stepdaughters coming, even if it caused us hardship. I had just gotten laid off that week, and I spent my last $20 on that horrid child. She spent the entire week ignoring her father. She left on father's day because she wanted to go somewhere where money was spent on her (she still has no idea that her lush lifestyle comes from Daddy, that he pays for the roof over her head and clothes on her back...I can't wait until she turns 18, to see the look of shock on her face when she has to get A JOB to pay for the hair salon and fake nails...I cannot wait!). I watched my SO's face crumple with pain as she left.

She then goes up to her mother's inbred familly and proceeds to sass a mutual friend. You see, it's ok for her mother who is a skank to lie all over town, but let Daddy have a girlfriend....the mutual friend is an ex of his. Stepdaughter thought she could get fresh, it got back to us, and SO attempted to deal with it.

I made the mistake of giving this child a gift, because I felt guilty that we were not able to give her her customary $100 for her birthday. I gave her a diamond ring. Well, I asked for it back. She can be crappy to me, that's par for the course, but what I will not tolerate is her disrespecting her father. Well, her mother encourages that. She responds, calling me stupid and essentially saying she lied to me, because I asked her if she had the ring the day she left. She looked me in the eye and lied with a smile on her face. So much like her mother. Well, when I get the response I call her and ask her who she thought she was. She then flips out and starts screaming and cursing on the phone. I've had it by this time, and I let her mother have it when she called fussing.

Well BM, each time she calls to ask for more money now says that her daughter needs protection from me. Why? I have not laid a hand on this child, I have not called her names (despite the fact that BM and SD are swearing that I did on some obscure voicemail that doesn't even exist anymore). But apparently SD is so scarred by me. After all the times I've opened my house and spent my last dime, even went into debt to entertain this brat.

I'm kind of glad she's not coming back any time soon, and SO is beginning to see her true colors.

I was deeply hurt at first by her behavior, but I'm indifferent now. It irritates me every now and again, but the day of reckoning (18th birthday) is coming, and then she shall see what she's missed.

Her sister called us Christmas day and said she wanted to spend spring break with us, so we're going to get her. I'm praying for no drama from SD1 and her mother.

But I think it's crappy that I get the blame for this kid's bad behavior. She had an attitude from the day I met her, and it's all based on her getting or not getting what she wants. That doesn't have anything to do with me. I didn't break up her parents, I was her age and on another continent when that happened (SO and BM were separated for a looooooooong time...idiotic, I know). I am hardly in her life. So why do they keep harping on this "protection" bit?



Rags's picture

Many people have to create demons in order to justify their own unacceptable behavior. That is what BM and SD1 are doing IMHO.

If they make up crap about you then you are the bad guy and their own crappy behavior is now justified .... in their warped little minds.

Hang in there.

MamaKrzewski's picture

Thanks, Rags. You know, it doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe because I finally see progress, and also because SO and I have so much to deal with on our own end. We have a special needs child, and I absolutely refuse to tolerate any more drama in my household. He cannot take it. So BM is just going to have to take her negativity elsewhere.

SD1 is in for a rude lesson, I'm afraid. Her lifestyle stops the day she turns 18, she just doesn't know it yet. BM is not going to finance her lifestyle, just to keep up appearances.