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MamaKrzewski's Blog

BM using SD as a tool....

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Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel...BM finally realizes that she cannot get any more money out of my SO. The divorce will be finalized by the end of this month. She was trying to get it transferred to her state, but her state is an "at fault" state, and since she cheated and has her 10-year-old son from whothehellever, she will not get a dime.

Babymama trying to render us homeless...

MamaKrzewski's picture

The situation with babymama has been a thorn in my ass for the past three years. But she's been a bane to SO for far longer.

Last night we got a notice of garnishment for an apartment she took out IN HIS NAME ONLY, because she still had the power of attorney he was forced to get when he was in the military about to deploy. All that chick has done has used it to take out stuff in his name and then not pay for it.