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MamaBecky's Blog

Small Satisfaction

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So last weekend when we had SD's SD5 was what shall I say.....hmmm..a pain in the ass. Yeah...that's accurate. She was whiny, and argumentative, and everything she was told to do was such torture for her. She had a complete meltdown about wearing socks and she was just overall bratty. She had been with us more then usual for the couple of previous weeks and she had a couple of behavioral issues with school having this same whiny bratty attitude with teachers. BM had declared that she must be acting this way because of the back and forth between our home and hers.

Daddy to the Rescue!

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Oh no....I had to inform SD5 that due to the fact that there is SNOW on the ground that can not go barefoot and wear flip have to wear socks and shoes. She had a meltdown. A complete, flippin FIT! After trying to calm her and speak to her rationally and her acting like it is the dawn of Armageddon I told her I was going to close her bedroom door and that she could come out when she had a grip of herself and could behave appropriately...with socks on! I shut the door. I was out of the hallway for maybe 1 full minute when daddy ran to her room and rushed in.

Time to disengage...

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but not from my SD's. From my H's niece. She has become a beast. It's unbearable. Her mother, my SIL has created her and I am just done with them both. Just a year or two ago niece who is 11 was an ok child. I would go pick her up to spend time with her, let her come spend the night, take her most places we went because I know her mom never did anything with or for her. She has always been severely overweight. My SIL (her mom) is a typical white trash crack addict with a convict H and they are life long occupants of my MIL's home.

Clothes grow on trees!

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Just got home from the mall with SD13. I took her back to school shopping. She claimed PMS & menstrual cramps/headache the whole time so she was not the most pleasant young lady...yet she managed to pick out 250.00 worth of clothes. Then we leave the mall....and I get no thank you, no I appreciate it...NOTHING. She walks in the door once we get home and dumps the bags of clothes in her room grabs a blanket & a pillow off of her bed, comes out to the living room and flings herself onto the couch.

$60 down the toilet

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My SD13's mother barrows money from me. I have let her a few times. She has always paid me back so although I find it weird I havent had a huge problem with it. Well two weeks ago she asked to barrow 60. I told her fine but I need it back on Friday when I pick up SD13. When I picked up SD13 I asked her where her mom was...she said sleeping. Whatever. Sunday I dropped off SD13..BM not home. Surprise. I called left BM a vm on Monday. No return call. I left a msg with SD13 yesterday to have her BM call either myself or H. She wont. 60 gone. Oh well.

SD13 is having sibling issues

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After a detailed conversation with SD13's BM this evening we have learned of a new fun game SD13 has been playing. When SD13 is with us she complains about BM's other kids; sibs sis11 and bro9. She says they steal from her, break her things, lie, smoke, swear, etc...and there are no consequences yet SD13 gets in trouble all the time.

10:50pm phone rings....SD13: Um..Becky..can you take me to corndetassling tomorrow...

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Seriously, I knew it! She really did wait until the last minute too! Although it disgusts me I find a perverse pleasure in the fact that I was right! ha. Anyway I ultimately told her that I would take her tomorrow because I wasnt going to try to discuss it with her BM now (whom I could hear yelling at her sibs in the background). I also told her that H wanted her to stay with us during the week and go home to her BM's on the weekends and she said "Ok". I told her DH and I would talk to her BM about it tomorrow and she said "ok". We will see how this convo goes.

"You do it"

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If you read at all my one other blog post then you know that I am curious to see what happens with my SD13 and her corn detassling job. I just suggested to DH that he call SD13 and ask her if she was happy, excited, and ready for tomorrow. He looked at me and said "You do it, your the one that cares". WTF!? I don't do it because she doesn't give to squirts about hearing from me...a call from him however would probably make her night. I waited about an hour and threw him the phone and said "Try to call SD4". Without even blinking he picked up the phone and dialed the number.

I exspect a phonecall from SD13 or BM by Mon. night

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SD13 signed up for a summer job of corn detassling. She is suppose to start work Tues am arriving there by 6:50am and working until 3pm or later. This is to occur 6 days a week for 4 weeks. I anticipate my SD calling and asking me to drop her off and pick her up daily. I spoke to my H about this and we both agree that if I am to agree to this responsibility that SD should come and stay with us for the duration of her work obligation and go to her BM's on Saturday night after work and stay with her until Sunday evening. I am nervous how BM will feel about this.
