Ahhh E-Learning (back to school) FML with these 2!
Well, it's back to school for kids in some areas vs the city, where I am from. Where do I begin...
Our little SS10 (sarcasm) has started elearning this past Monday. Well, let me tell you the shit show that's been going on because these two parents (his bios, my lovely DH and BM) have no clue how to handle things efficiently and on time. Everything is last minute.
Back story- SS10 had been going going to a school about 45mins away for the past 3 years because his parents are lazy and chose not to transfer him to a school closer to either one of our homes... (both of SS parents haves moved out of the area he had been going to school at, well over 3 years ago). So, given that they had no choice to wake up early as hell to take him to school. Now pick ups from school were done by BMs mother who lives in the neighborhood he went to school and therefore SS10 parents (BM and DH) picked him up from grandmas house, after work! Lets just say this process was a pain in the effin ass for all parties to do pick ups and drop off. This included, of course BM and DH, along with ME and BMs HUSBAND!!! Let's just say I have no idea what BM husband thinks and I'm sure he thinks just like I do every year that came up when it was almost school time.... Is SS going to go to the same school or will they FINALLY transfer him to a school closer to home?!? Because I'm telling you it's a shit show going an hour there and back for this kid to go to school because his parents are lazy assholes, was a pain in the effin ass! (This includes my DH) yep! I can try to express to my DH that it should be a good idea to transfer him because it's out of everyone's way and it would work well if he started at a new school closer, plus his current school was not very great academically!! I know he would be challenged more and have a great curriculum at a neighboring school close to home!!! But Nooooo they always had him go back to that shit school up until this year!!!! Jeezus lord almighty- THANK GOD!!!
Fast forward to now. I found out that SS10 had been transferred to his new school as of THIS PAST FRIDAY!!! Why in gods Jesus name did they wait so long to transfer him?? Who knows! Especially, The Friday before he starts school on Monday. But hey! That's how these two idiots work. I don't interfere or give my thoughts anymore and don't want to be involved because I've disengaged. Their kid, their issue. I was told by DH he starts Wednesday but as a matter of fact he started Monday. (As the miscommunication begins) We have SS this week for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. (BM and DH switched a day) So it is up to us (or shall I say DH) to make sure he is logged in and ready to go. I took no part today in waking SS up. DH decided to wake up late and log SS in for him at 8:35, school starts at 8:30. DH has no clue what he is doing, he got all the directions from BM how to log him him and his usernames and passwords. Guess what, DH is having technical issue with our laptop!!! What does he do? He calls me to help! Why?? Cause he's not a computer savvy person and I am. But he need help getting precious up and ready to sit his behind down on his elearning and zoom classes! Does DH know what he's doing? Nope! Did you DH think to get up early to get SS up and ready before hand? Nope! Did DH think the day before to read up and find out how it work online and try to log on to the schools website so he wouldn't run into issues in the morning? Nope! Not at all!! Why? Because he's irresponsible and it's sad that I see this but hey! Not my problem it's his kid and his problem and he has to be a big boy to work this shit out on his own. I tried to help and honestly it's a bunch of bullshit to even mention or suggest anything because he gets all besides himself. That's another reason why I disengaged. But now all of a sudden he needs my help to help out SS?? Lol- So, I jump in and check out what's going on and figured it out. He needed to download the Microsoft software for his school app and install it. Once that was done we were golden! Sit kid down in front of the screen and make sure his little behind is participating.
Here's where the fun begins (insert eye rolling)
SS sits down and we can here his teacher and other students. I hear teacher giving directions on how to manage the chat and to connect to the group peering for the work they will be discussing. The teacher is asking the student if they are able to follow the directions and get onto it, and if not to raise their hand or say they cant get on (one or the other) so she can wait until all students get to the same page... I walk past to the kitchen to look behind and see if SS is following the directions... NONETHELESS IS HE ISNT DOING ANYTHING!!! He's just sitting there looking at the damn screen just hoping it's going to populate on its own. Like what the hell!?! I said to SS: do you know how to get into the peer group page your teacher is talking about? Did you follow the directions? SS: no. Me: no to what? Do you know how or you didn't follow directions, I asked you two questions. SS: no, I don't know how and no I wasn't following the directions... ME: SS you have to pay attention and follow the directions and keep up! (I helped him log on to the peer group and brought him to the page he needs to be at! Jesus lord. WHERE IS DH WHEN ALL OF THIS IS HAPPENING, you maybe asking yourselves!? He's outside getting the work truck loaded for the work day... Why isn't he doing this and making sure SS is paying attention and focused along with participating, you ask? Because he thought he could pawn it off while he does what he wants to do. What am I doing to get DH to be a parent??? Well let me tell you, I went outside stopped him from loading the truck and expressed to DH that he needs to get his ass inside and help with his son and making sure he is focused and participating with school! I'm not his mother and you are his father and you need to be engaged with this! This is a new school so the format is completely different than his prior school that he was in. It's his job to want to know how it works and make sure his precious son is putting in the responsibility to be ready to do work and or listen and follow directions!!! He's 10 not 4 and in preschool! He is 10! He needs to start acting his age and being able to want to put in the effort and that starts with you, his father sitting his ass down with him and making sure he is comfortable and ready to go!!!! I do not involve myself anymore when it comes to SS because you made it very clear that you and "his mother" are his parent and will raise him the way you two want!!! Well, step the hell up and take care of your son! I should not be the one to do this. If you don't know how to you need to learn for the sake of your son and yourself! I'm done. You don't include me on much when it comes to your precious child and with that why I should not be the one to make sure he's ok for school YOU ARE AND YOU SHOULD BECAUSE HE IS YOUR KID!!
DH was not happy about how I snapped off, but I don't care. He went right inside and sat his ass down and did what he should have done, from the beginning. Also, muted the audio and advised SS that he is required to participate and if he just sit there and chooses not to. He will be punished from his cell phone and ps4 and etc. I'm thinking to myself you are going to take away his privileges in order to be focused- wow how sad.
Whatever- I had to get ready and leave for work and so I did. DH had to call his jobs and reschedule them because SS can't focus and DH had to make sure he did all his elearning for the day. I only know this because he texted me all mad that he had to reschedule his day! I'm laughing because he should have thought really hard how this day was going to be before thinking that he just open a computer to plop SS in front of it with the "hopes" he's gonna actually participate with school! Yup, NOT!!! DH is going to learn the hard way to be a parent and I don't care if I snapped I'm not his escape to throw it or SS on me. His kid, his problem, now he has to figure out on the days he has SS who's gonna watch him and assist him with school. I can't - I work. My DD16 is not because she has school all day herself and on zoom classes throughout the day. She has no time to deal with and watch SS, and I won't allow her to either- it's not her problem anyways!
WELCOME TO PARENTHOOD DH!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU GET FOR ACTING ABSENT MINDED AND BEING TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE. 1. You choose for me to not want me to be apart of it, therefore this is why I won't help or be apart of it. 2. You have to be a real parent and figure it out like the rest of us parents do so you can have your precious child in school and someone on top of him to actually participate. 3. If you don't find someone soon, well that means you need to make sacrifices and reschedule your work until you do and be a parent and get your kid in line and onboard. 4. Time for SS10 to grow up and be responsible he's not 4 and everyone can't just do it all for him. DH needs to start setting his damn alarm up for him to wake up on his own and wash up, give him his login information so he can learn to logon and hopefully it will become a repetitive thing for SS and he won't need anyone's help in the future (until he's use to logging in without issues).
All the while, I will sit back and watch it all unfold. If I can be a responsible parent to do what I have to for my child and make sure she is prepared in advance and she's comfortable and ready for school. DH can to. DD16 on the other hand is responsible enough to set a alarm and be ready to attend school and place her attendance on her sheet (online) and be in school. We are all good, on my end. I sure don't put it on anyone else to help me or do it for me or her.
There were no real questions for advice here just a vent, per usual.
Back to work I go lol, but I'll be back :
Same bat time, Same BRAT channel!
the chronicles of DH and SS10
- Maganamitre04's blog
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It doesn't sound like SS10 is
It doesn't sound like SS10 is responsible enough to be left to do this on his own. His parents need to make arrangements for him to be supervised.
And you? No more assistance. If SS is "late for school" that's on him and his parents. His parents need to work out the issues. His parents need to ask him if he's doing his schoolwork and why not when he isn't. Not your circus, not your monkey, hon.
I couldn’t agree more!
SS10 responsible?!? Buahahahahhahah! Uhm no! Never a day in his little spoiled life has he ever been responsible for anything... He absolutely does need supervision and a lot of it too!!! That is why I stopped and went and grabbed his father. I agree with you 100%. I won't bring doing that again, I refuse to.
Good for you. Stay strong!!!
Good for you. Stay strong!!!
I'm trying the best that I
I'm trying the best that I can. I was never this mouthy about Skid and or to DH about parenting him. Got so fed up I kicked him out awhile ago because I couldn't take them and all the lack of and etc. I told him he has to step up and also SS needs guidance and structure. Tired of seeing this happen under my roof. Lol
Everyday is a new day, it's not always like this but when it does get to certain levels... Ooooh baby- I get some type of way.
I smiled a little at this post
because we have almost the same scenario playing out here at chez halo. SD is useless. Dh is tech savy (he is in IT for god's sake) but both he and SD waited till the last minute to setup crap for school. NOT MY KID>>NOT MY PROBLEM. I do a jig every single time DH has to deal with SD....my two are in college...no freaking supervision required.
Today's fun...was DH trying to put a password in on SD's ipad only to be interrupted by the da-ding. da-ding da-ding of the endless snapchat messages. I already told DH snapchat, instagram, tiktok and whatever freaking else she on that thing need to go...but hey SD is old enough to manage. Riiiiggggghhhht
Then there is the wake up yelling I'm treated to every morning..SD...GET UP...SD ...GET UP. rolling my eye so hard to the back of my head I can see china.
But wait there is more....
Yesterday's stupid questions from SD include (SHE IS 14 AND A FRESHMAN)...
It says...words that relate to me...what do they mean relate to me?
It says qualities that are important to me..what do they mean qualities??
AND THE PIECE DE RESTISTANCE....Is Charlotte Web a novel. I have to read a novel for english.
If the teacher has to approve
If the teacher has to approve the books, most likely Charlotte's Web would not be approved for freshman reading (unless SD is in remedial English). It's reading level is fourth grade.
Exactly...4th grade level
SD does not read anything...unless its snapchat, twitter, or instagram.
Drives me to drink.
Oh how we relate.
Oh man. I see how we relate. Different age and school level, but same shenanigans! I pray for you, but glad you don't have to deal with it- given your bio's are in college! Good for you. I'm glad it gave you a chuckle- sometimes I can't help but laugh myself! Hahah
Yep, next time you see SS
Yep, next time you see SS sitting like a bump on a log doing nothing, just leave him there and walk away. DH's problem.