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Very annoyed...

Luna HG's picture

Sorry I haven't been on here for a long time. So today BF and I were planning to take the whole family out to the museum (him, I, his sisters, his parents, and SS). Every time we go pick up SS BF insists that he has to go by himself and makes us waste more gas because we take both cars. He keeps doing this and it annoys me but I keep my mouth shut. Well today i just had it and I told him "Why do you always leave me here?! I hate you going off for your son alone I'm going with you I'm not getting out of the car so I shouldn't be a problem and if it is she should deal with it. You should care more about having problems with me instead of problems with her." He knows this bothers me because we almost fight every time about this but I just keep my mouth shut instead. I think what bothers me is that he cares more about her being mad then me being mad. Also I think I might of made this particular situation more then it actually was because there are some other thing this week that have been bothering me. So last week one of my best friends got married so I went to his wedding. The problem is my best friend is and ex-boyfriends little brother. (I've written about him in a previous post) So the day before the wedding BF comes home drunk. He was hanging out with a friend at his work so idk where or when he got drunk in between that. The day of the wedding he is not talking to me and he comes home with a 12 pack all for himself. The next day I wake up at 2 am to go to work and I see a pack of cigarettes on the desk chair. That blew me up because he know I despise cigarettes so I decided to throw the entire pack and rest of the beers away. So during these three night he decided to sleep on the couch instead of coming to bed. So the next morning while I'm getting ready to go to work I decide to write him a little letter saying "IDK why your mad if its because I went to the wedding because your son might be leaving to another state for a few days of what the problem is but I just want you to talk to me and tell me whats wrong. If you had a problem with me going to the wedding you should of told me something. I'm going to be patient and wait until you feel like talking to me again." I hate doing that. I always suck it up shut my mouth and Im the one that always backs down. I hate doing that but I always do for some stupid reason. So after that he came around and we were ok again but he never told me what was wrong with him. So I believe that added to me blowing up this morning but now here I am alone at the house writing thats and still mad. Ugh I just get so annoyed sometimes. Thanks for letting me rant guys...