I'm getting under BF's ex's skin...all I have to do is breath
Guess what a little bird told me tonight? They overheard a conversation...where youngests wedding was being discussed. I don't know if it was youngest or oldest SD that said this but basically.
"If 'hubby' mentions lovin-lifes name in any way during his father of the bride speech nut jobs HEAD WILL EXPLODE!" He is not to mention my existance in any way.
So this person told me so I could 'make sure' that he mentions me in his speech ....but I said I'd let him put what he wanted in there. That I wouldn't pass the info on to him...if he mentions me he does if he doesn't he doesn't....
But the evil side of me says....
HELL YA...Annouce that we're getting married during the speech!!! I'd love to see that bitch's HEAD BLOW UP right in front of me....
......I hate her.....
I think I know where this comes from....
Youngest SD...has facebook. And has all the shower pictures..with pictures of me included..and has thanked me on-line over & over for such a wonderful shower.. and has the album labled "My first Shower" and she was just so happy.
I bet it's just eating away at the nut-job...that's why she doesn't want me mentioned or thanked or acknowledge during the wedding ....
..what a bitch....
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I've got a few more little
I've got a few more little tidbits from supper with oldest SD & group last night....nothing major..just little tidbits...but youngest SD just called she want's me to come over to her place for her stagette party.
Take Care
That is Funny
I was on the phone with SD telling her how much I missed her and when she told me she missed me all of the sudden I heard whispering and SD stopped talking. I changed the subject and put her immediately on the phone with her father. Amazing how we can get under the BB's skin without doing a thing.
Funny I am not a jealous natured person so I don't understand this behavior. In my last marriage that BM and I became the best of friends. In my first marriage I was the BM and the new SM and I became best friends as well. All three of us to this day are the best of friend after 25 years and all visit each other as often as possible. That will NEVER happen with this biatch. She is quite frankly one of the most horrible people I have ever met. I won't have anything to do with her.
I'm sorry...
but this is hilarious! I love it! LOL. (I mean BM going ballistic at the sound of your name... hahaha.)
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I've got it...!
"And so, in closing, I'd just like to wish you both all the love and happiness in the world. May you both enjoy all the bliss that I have found with lovin-life!"
Her head will be spinning and she'll be puking green before ya know it!
~ Anne ~
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot
You are making the right decision,
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
By allowing dh to put what he feel's in his speach.This is his daughters wedding not bm's fighting areana, nor the place for ANY childish snips, sarcasm or hostilities. This is his daughter's day and I as well would never dream of ruining even a second of that for her. Now if bm want's to run her mouth or show her ass, then that is all on her. As for daydreams, lord knows we all have them,lol, but mind would involve something like the bm some how tripping( wink, wink) and falling face first into the wedding cake...