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lovin-life's picture

Guess whose looking at property 10 minutes away?

Oldest SD wants to move back from away.....!!!!


happy's picture

ask her why? Ok that is just me being a SA... LOL
IF she moves back are you afraid she will cause a lot of problems?
Ok on a joking note put your house up for sale? LOL..
I am sorry I am not help today.. I am so down and to be honest I am not really sure why!!
I am here to listen.. And try to help you get thru that thought....

lovin-life's picture

Youngest was telling us all this last night. Problems...oh ya!! She is just like her's like we've got things quieted down on that end and now things will be stirred up through this one if she moves back to this province....

I think seeing her kids interact with all of their family over the holidays..may have something to do with it. They have no family around where they are....I bet it was nice to have that family support around for a change...made her realize how much she misses out on it...and the kids too.

But I'm nervous....
She's responsible for all of youngest wedding stress, the fighting over the holidays, she's very domineering, controlling, bossy, and watch-out if she doesnt get her own way..or you disagree with her. She will make you pay!!

Hubby & I could always look at each other and say..."At least she doesn't live around here....." because our contact and interaction was limited....

He will either have to suck her ass...or be fighting with her all the time..I'm not happy with either senario!! Things were just settling down, we were planning on taking some serious R & R and US time...starting this summer....we're getting weary of the stress!

So Happy ... why are you 'not so happy'.? Is it the the winter blahs? People don't realize just how much that can affect them?

Thanks for listening to me....I'm here for ya too..

happy's picture

This what I say we do. I will come and be your long lost daughter for about 1 week and get your SD under control for you. By the time I got done with her she would be kissing you and your husbands ass. LOL...
Well I am so down I just figured out with my boss because "Aunt Flow is on her way into my town" Which means that this one will be a very rough one. If I am like this its usually 7 full days of heavy crap. So that is part of it. I hate to say this but my SD is on my very last nerve. Teenagers bug me because they only think of themselves and with her that is the case. But she injured her arm, doing bowling, (Tendonitis) but its the constant whining about it. I can't do this because of the brace but she can type on AIM and myspace all hours. Does that make sense. Then my kids just got back from there dads after being there for two weeks.. Anyways, so I thought last night I would just have them, my husband coudl do his thing. I am just very frusterated and a lot of that has to do with me being moody because I am ready to start that damn period again. I complain about it every month. OOH I wish it would just go away forever.. I know be careful what you wish for. But I am just on edge. I owe my mom some money and although she is not saying a word about it for me its like I am 31 and borrowing some cash from my mom and I will not feel better till I get her paid back. My ex owes me $2736.00 in back support which he has the money to pay me but because he is an ass he will not.. So I think its multiple things.. Not to mention the fact that in all our cases here.. We the WOMEN are always suppose to be so strong and can never really have a break down moment because what the hell would happen. I mean like when we have a melt down its like everyone is like why or what the hell. In most cases when we are strong we are always the ones holding everyone else up and then when we fall its like oh just get over it.. I am just so frusterated.. And I hate my AUNT FLOW...
Sorry so long just venting or should I say ranting..