Dad is jealous....
My kids usually only ever ask for 1 thing for Chritmas. This year daughter wanted a digital camera and son wanted an mp3 player...and of course they got "surprises" and gifts from others...
BUT the biggist surprise was something my hubby and his friend had been working on for weeks in his budy's garage...for my son. He had the frame & body..but bought & assembled the parts..for a GO-CART!!!!!
It looks just like a formula 1 race's 15 years old or more...acutally youngests fiancee drove it many, many years ago as one of the neighborhood kids when he was young...
They couldn't be here Christmas so we video-ed him uncovering it and saying "oh my God! Oh my God! Sweet!!! Thank You sooooo much!! Thank You sooooooooo much!!! Oh my God!!! I can't believe it!!" get the picture he was grinning ear-to-ear....
Well my daughter took her camera with the video to her Dads and of course son was soo excited he wanted to share his excitement with his Dad...... HE WAS NOT IMPRESSED!!
Daughter said that her "Dad was jealous"....
And that when his friend was excited for son and asking questions about it..... Dad didn't want to talk about it!
All she kept saying was..."Dad is so jealous!"
As it is...he begrundges everything we have and everything we purchase. He thinks everything we own is paid for via his child-support payments....which just isn't true...
The go-cart is in mint was worth $1200.00 15 years ago ...... and maybe he thinks we paid big money for it..but not a penny of child-support money went to it..
Hubby used HIS own money and HIS own labour to buy the parts it needed and fixed it himself.......but I know my X will hold it against us...or should I say... me.
Just like the boat....Hubby & this same friend went splits on the was a 14 year old boat but looked new.....x thinks that's where some of the kids CS money went..It didn't.
We are planning a vacation for the first time in 5 1/2 years... X will be pissed over that toooo.
(WE re-financed our house to pay for SD's upcoming wedding and socked a little away for a vacation for us)
I'm sooooooo afraid that he will sabbotage it for me.....
The go-cart is one more stick to fuel his fire......
I'm thinking that he'll schedule court in the middle of the week I'm away..or something like that.
Anyway...he rained on son's excitement....
Man...I get it from all sides..sometimes......
But..Going out for supper with an old friend tonight...looking forward to it!! She has her own Skid issues too...and this supper with me is her way to bail....she can't take another 'family supper' with her snotty teenage sd..and I'm her ticket out of it tonight .. WE have to stick together!! I've got her back!! lol
- lovin-life's blog
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Actually.....he paid $50.00 for the body & frame..and I don't know what for the parts....maybe $300?? in all....
Well to bad that your husband
has to be so immature.. I mean lordy..
As far as Child Support goes, if your kids are takin care of why does it matter.. Child support is just that, it helps take care of them.. And that is what you are doing..
Lovin-life- He is an ass hence why you are not together anymore.. I think the go cart was awesome.. Tell your hubby I want one next.. LOL..