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So she throws herself through a mirror...

Lolly1220's picture

Yea...I won't back down and I WILL not apologize for kicking her out after she attacked her father...among other things and so she has a tizzy fit at her mother's house and throws herself through a mirror that was leaning against a wall. Got a couple little cuts--boo hoo. Of course now her father thinks she's suicidal which I know if BS...And yes she was drunk at the time. So BM and SD are going to start going to AA and apparently she wants to talk to her father soon...not just yet...and wants to "confront the bad things that have happened to her"...That ought to be interesting. Her mind must be in overdrive making up lies about "bad things". The child (20 now) has lived a charmed life. Spoiled rotten by mother, father and grandmother.
I'm happy not having her in our home and will never trust her enough to ever live with her again. She met her match...Call me every nasty word in the book little girl...dare you to say it to my face...just once...lets see what happens then--huh?? You're over 18...Your words mean nothing to me.
I told my husband that I will support him having a relationship with his daughter but cannot stress enough that he should always meet her in public places since she has accused him of being abusive (hitting/choking her).
Oh and she's mostly pissed at me because I had the nerve to pack some of her things..."I touched her things"...Funny...I could do your laundry and clean up after your messy self for 5 years but OH dare I touch your things....


Lolly1220's picture

Thank you!! I have excused myself from any relationship that she and her father may have going forward. I went to see my therapist, I get to vent here AND I'm taking the rest of it out on my elliptical machine!!

notasm3's picture

She won't last in AA. AA is not known for coddling at all. Brutal honesty and accountability are pretty much staples of any 12 step program.