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SD 7 has a bra.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

As I did her washing I found a black little bra.This is so silly and not practical.As I stated before it seems very important to BM and SD that she gets prepared for her later adult life -in a night club.BM also straightens her hair and SD is totally self absorbed, can't walk by any mirror.Where are the kids that like to climb on trees , living adventures and being kids???Why has SD to be enforced in her belief she is an adult??????


Pinki3663's picture

SD9 started wearing a bra at 7 but it really was necessary. I do wonder what in the world happened to the thing called imagination. I could entertain myself for HOURS and I was truly happy with it. Every kid I see now needs constant attention and entertainment.

Straightening a 7 year old hair is very creepy. Does she wear makeup? Then again look at all the "beauty" competitions they have for little girls. They are taught that they are only beautiful when they are "dolled" up. It's very sad

oneoffour's picture

My GD has her hair straightened by her mother or her father's gf, She has fine flyaway hair which is (as Bill Bryson puts it) "lively". But this is not every day.

A bra for a 7 yr old would find it's way into a plastic baggie and put into the child's bag before she returns to her mother' place. Not in my home!

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

My SD9 is flat as can be, but her dumb ass BM insisted she have a bra and wear it, and kept telling DH, oh she is really developing fast and needs one now - that was a year ago. Dont tickle her, she has boobs now. There is Still nothing there. She wanted her to grow up fast so they could be friends, she wasnt interested in being her mother. She's been here for a few months now, without her bra and has not asked one single time for it or a new one.

Not_Having_Fun's picture

My SD is 9 & has no need for a bra however BM has just recently bought her some. SD brings them here & we just tell her she is not wearing them at our place & we most certainly won't be buying her any until she actually needs them. It's ridiculous! SD thinks its cool ofcorse & it matches with the high heels, fake eyelashes & short skirts BM dresses her in! I wish she could just be a kid without having this crap introduced to her.

Thankfully there are no black ones (not that we know what she wears at BM's as she wears them every day there) & they are plain but so damn unnecessary & stupid. Let kids be KIDS!