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Lolly1220's Blog

She's back!!

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Well I had a nice 4+ months. My adult step daughter (20) contacted her father yesterday after not speaking to him for four months because I kicked her out after she physically attacked her father and told her "friends" that he abused her. The night I kicked her out she had snuck a strange guy into her room (he was in her bed naked) and they were blotto drunk-NO she didn't drive away. Anyhow...I made it clear that I would not accept her back into my life unless she acknowledged her lies and unacceptable behavior.

Why am I being so mean....

Lolly1220's picture

The conversation went something like this:
Me to DH-per our insurance broker we are liable for any accidents etc..that SD may have because we are paying her auto insurance on our group policy. Keep in mind that she got kicked out of our home for driving drunk etc....
SD needs to get her own policy--plus she's not going to school and that was one of the reasons we paid her auto ins.
DH--ok let her mother know that we are dropping her as of June 30th and that I will pay her back for her insurance costs.

So she throws herself through a mirror...

Lolly1220's picture

Yea...I won't back down and I WILL not apologize for kicking her out after she attacked her father...among other things and so she has a tizzy fit at her mother's house and throws herself through a mirror that was leaning against a wall. Got a couple little cuts--boo hoo. Of course now her father thinks she's suicidal which I know if BS...And yes she was drunk at the time. So BM and SD are going to start going to AA and apparently she wants to talk to her father soon...not just yet...and wants to "confront the bad things that have happened to her"...That ought to be interesting.

This is where we are.....

Lolly1220's picture

Happily married. Love my stepdaughter but had to kick her out. She moved in with us when she was 13 and her mother could not control her. She was flunking out of high school. She has graduated high school with a 3.8 and is in college. We are strict but have compromised on many occasions. She is 20 yrs old now and came home drunk--we found her in her room with a naked boy that we had never seen before and she attacked her father--tried to slam his arm in the door and then tried to taunt him to hit her. I got between then and told her and the boy to get out.