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LMR120's Blog

Just Thinking

LMR120's picture

So there are a few blogs on here now talking about BMs right to be evil. I have seen on here that some people think if the SM started out as the OW then its fair game to make her life hell. What do you guys think about this? I for one have been cheated on and I think its ok to be angry and its ok to call your EH names and call the OW names for a while. At what point do wronged BMs need to move on or is there a point?

Wow! Really?

LMR120's picture

So last night the BF went to pick up the SKIDS for his mid week visit. Its SS5 and SD3. You guys ready for this? SD3 starts telling us this story about how when they went to bed the other night (yes BM sleeps with the children) that they discovered that the pet rats had eaten a hole in the blow up mattress that they all sleep on LMAO ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!???

I have to laugh

LMR120's picture

So you guys ready for this one? So some of you who have read my post know that my BF pays his BM around $1,400 a month in daycare and CS. Mind you she lives about 15 minutes away and fought with him for 2 yrs over custody. She didnt want him to have any. So my BF just got a new job making twice the money he was before and an old mutual friend of theirs ran into her and she was talking to this guy about how he got fired from his last job (he did not) and that if he even attempted to get a new job at said company her best friend works there and would tell her about it! LOL ...

Any Suggestion

LMR120's picture

So as Im sure most of you can guess I have issues with my skids. They are probably some of the worst kids that I have come across because thier mother does not dicipline them. My boyfriend and I were talking on Monday and I asked him if he enjoyed having his kids and the house and he was honest and said no. Its of course not becuase he doesnt love them he does but the whole dynamic of the house changes when they are there and you can feel the stress and soon as they come through the door. He sees them every 1, 3, 5 weekend of the month and has a Wednesday overnight.


LMR120's picture

Im starting not to like my skids they lie, steal, whine and cry all the time. BM has no dicipline at her house and the skids are more than happy to bring that up when they get punished at ours. Sorry had to get that out.
