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LMR120's Blog

SKIDS visit this weekend

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So the skids came over this weekend for their visit. All and all things went ok. Still some of the same issues that BF and i have been working on for ever

- SS5 hitting SD3. I mean really how many times do we need to tell him that hitting is not ok and thats not how you express that you are unhappy

- SD3 crying when she doesnt get what she wants. Dont really know what to say about this one hoping that its something that she grows out of, we just keep telling her that if she is upset then she needs to use her words.

BM and SS5 School Issues

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For the past couple of weeks SS5 has been getting in trouble at school. He has been hitting people, hitting the teacher, screaming and the other day he even flipped over a desk. His teacher finally called to talk to BF because she feels that she is getting no results from talking to BM. He just started this school because BM moved into a diferent disrtict so that she could be closer to the babysitter. So BF sent her a txt yesterday asking when the kindergarten graduation was.


LMR120's picture

Any of you out there dealing with PAS? If so how do you handle it? My BF and I are going through this with his two kids and its heartbreaking to watch. He was suppose to have the kids Friday so he went and picked them up and took SS5 to his softball game. BM showed up to the game and at the end of the game both SS5 and SD3 wanted to leave with BM. SS5 told BM in front of BF that he didnt want to go with BF he wanted to go with her because he hates his dad/our house. So needless to say he let the kids go with BM and she said she would drop the kids of Saturday monring.

Please help me understand

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Ok ... so like some of you on here I am a SM as well as BM. I have posted before about my EXs GF. So here is the deal. EX had his regular visitation with our daughter two weeks ago and then keep her an extra week because I was out of town. So I had not seen my daughter in two weeks. I went over to his house Monday to pick up our daughter. He put her things in the car and then started talking to me about what had been going on with school and other things. His GF came out gave him a kiss they said I love you and she left for work.

Do any of you

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Do any of you dislike your hubby's BM just for the fact that she was married to your hubby? The reason i ask is i went over to my Ex's last night to drop some clothes of for our daughter. He lives with his GF that he has been with for a couple years now. When i got there i said hello to her she looked at me for like 5 min said hi and then went into the bedroom and i assume didnt come back out until i left. I dont get child support from my ex because we share true 50/50 custody with a week on week off schedule. I dont bug them at all.

ST Website

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So I just wanted to let you all know that i went to my therapy appt yesterday without BF because he is away on business ... me and Gary (Thats the therapist name) were talking about how i was doing a great job at dealing with things SKIDS/BM and he asked what changed. I told him that i found this website and that it was a great place for me to vent and talk to other SP who are going through the same things i am. Sometimes we laugh at each others situation (only when its meant to be funny) but most of the time its suportive.

OT - My Weekend

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So Saturday was my 27th B-Day Smile I wake up to a phone call from my BF wishing me a happy b-day. I get up make my daughter breakfast get a call from my BFF wishing me a happy b-day and letting me know that she made me a cake and wanted to cook me dinner that night and have some drinks because she knows that my BF is gone on business. I start cleaning the house and do laundry cause Im sure you all know that doing that while hungover is no fun!

How many of you?

LMR120's picture

Question for you step parents on here. How many of you take care of your partners kids when they arent around? I see a lot of blogs on here talking about all the things that you guys do for your hubby and his BM when it comes to the kids and i dont understand why. I have a BF with two kids and they are not at the house unless he is. If he has to work late then he calls BM and tells her he will not be able to take the kids. I dont go get them for him. If he goes out of town for business i do not continue with the set visitation schedule. I do not take them to anything i.e.
