Please help me understand
Ok ... so like some of you on here I am a SM as well as BM. I have posted before about my EXs GF. So here is the deal. EX had his regular visitation with our daughter two weeks ago and then keep her an extra week because I was out of town. So I had not seen my daughter in two weeks. I went over to his house Monday to pick up our daughter. He put her things in the car and then started talking to me about what had been going on with school and other things. His GF came out gave him a kiss they said I love you and she left for work. When she left she pulled around and stayed in the road rolled the window down and just stared at us and didnt say anything. I had asked EX if it was ok that I was there talking to him and he said yes. So she finally left and about two minutes later speednig down the street got out said she forgot something and then went in the house. She came back out with nothing looked at EX with me and my daughter standing there and said I thought she was just picking her up not staying. WOW really??? How about I havent seen daughter in two weeks and am just trying to get info about the last two weeks. I am proud to say that I am not a crazy BM most of you know from my post that me and my EX have true 50/50 custody he doesnt pay me child support I dont do things to bug him or her, I dont call him during his visitation. So I guess my question is where do I go from here? I am tierd of feeling like I have to justify why me and my EX arent imiture douche bags, why we dont hate each other and why its ok and benifits our daughter that we can communicate. Mind you our child is 6 so its not like she can pass this info on to me I have to talk to EX about her.
- LMR120's blog
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Wow... sounds like some one
Wow... sounds like some one is insecure.
I gotta say I can relate. I get really nervous when Dh is talking to Bm for a period of time that I find is too long. But then, my Sd is three (almost four) and really theres not too much that needs to be discussed when he picks her up. She's not in school, she's healthy, she doesn't have any classes on the weekends and her biggest hurdle is still potty training.
Have you guys thought about a journal? It helps because not only is everything writen down for a quick drop off/ pick up but nothing gets forgotten. It may make his girlfriend feel better. Who knows they could be fighting or something.
That is a GREAT idea. I
That is a GREAT idea. I would have never thought about that. I hate to say this and Im sure ill probably get some slack for saying this but I respect my BF BM because she is the mother of their children. I know they have things to discuss about the kids and Im fine with that. I feel that I have a right to talk to the father of my child about my child. That being said I really like your idea and will deff start doing that. THANK YOU!
No problems! I have a bit of
No problems! I have a bit of a history with my situation so a journal just helps. We did it when we were going to court and no one wanted to talk to eachother.
It will probably be a temporary thing for you too, just untill his girlfriend feels more secure in the relationship with your ex.
Avoid the drama and just
Avoid the drama and just pick her and leave, and maybe call him a little later to get filled in. You can't stop her from being insecure, so I would say just keep your distance. No biggie.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
You are right. I guess it
You are right. I guess it just upset me because with the custody that me and my ex have she spends as much time with my daughter as i do. Im not trying to have lunch with her and be her BFF but I feel it should be ok that I talk to EX about our daughter. You guys are right thought its not my problem and its something they need to deal with I can only control me. Thanks girls! This is why i love this website!
That GF is just scare that
That GF is just scare that you want her boyfriend back....she insecure......I would have smile nicely and said I'm getting an up date about our daughter but you are more then welcome to join in I hope you don't mind that I'm here talking about our daughter...thank you for understanding (call her by her name) smile and .....then keep taking to BD about your daughter....maybe in the future she see you as the child mom not the ex wife wanting her boyfriend.....she just is being childlish. Hugs sweetie
Well I am recently married
Well I am recently married and my DH has a son with his EX and they would have conversations and not include me. That made me feel very uncomfortable. I felt like if i was in this relationship then I should be a part of their discussions if all they were talking about was the child. Maybe he should invite her to be a part of whats going on with your child. I see both sides. my ss is only 4 and he can't deal with his BM on his own yet unfortunately. but my husband does include me in whats going on in a conversation between the two of them now. It makes things alot less complicated and less stressful. I don't feel like there is something still there between the two of them anymore and i don't feel like he is trying to keep things from me. I guess its a whole trust thing. And my past experiences with men have made it extremely hard for me to trust anyone. maybe his GF has had some of the same experiences. You could always include her in whats going on. Don't always leave it up to your ex. If this GF is going to be around for any period of time its only respectable to acknowledge that she is there.
Prime example of the double
Prime example of the double standards that I myself could very easily be guilty of, as both a BM and an SM.
I'm imagining what I would feel as I'm pulling out of the driveway to go to work, and there is BF and BM standing there talking and catching up on things. Possibly smiling and laughing over their little girl. I feel left out, I feel as though my BF's attention is completely taken off of me and focused on another woman. As I'm driving to work I can't help but think about what all they're talking about, is it just about the child, or could the conversation have led elsewhere? How long is she going to be there?
Insecure much? Of course
Yes it's my issue, and something that I only have control over. But this is a woman that he once shared a bed with, once fell in love with, once adored, who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and have children with. This is a woman who by no means is unattractive. He saw something in her that made him want to be with her for the rest of his life (that aint no small thing) - could he ever possibly see that in her again?? I don't always feel this way, lol. But there are certain moments where my insecurities surface. I don't think it's abnormal to feel these things. Is it normal for our Husbands to chit chat on a daily basis with just an Ex g/f? Or an Ex wife that he doesn't have children with? Would we be ok with that? Wouldn't we feel atleast 'some' insecurity??? So why does having children suddenly make those same insecurities disappear? It doesn't, IMO. They are still there. The only difference to me is that it might get easier over time, and we *learn* to be ok with it because we *have* to be. We make a concsious decision (sometimes, lol) not to react to it.
Now, on the other side of things. As a're damn right I'm entitled to discuss issues with the kids with their Father, LOL. And who are you to tell me how long I have or to set rules on my communications with their Father when it concerns the kids. You're just insecure.
Now, look at me, throwing stones in my glass house. It's a two sided street, where the lines aren't black and white. The key to making this work is for BOTH BM and SM to meet in the middle, to understand each other, and to realize that BOTH are valid in the way they feel...and learn to respect each other, and each other's boundaries. It takes TWO to make a relationship work...and that doesn't just apply in a romantic relationship.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Yes there was a comment
Yes there was a comment posted earlier about using a journal to write things down that my EX needs to know about our daughter.
Thank you. That was very
Thank you. That was very well written and thought out. I know exactly what you are talking about with how his GF must feel but the conversation has to be had IMO about our daughter. Thank you again for your comment.
"Now, on the other side of
"Now, on the other side of things. As a're damn right I'm entitled to discuss issues with the kids with their Father, LOL. And who are you to tell me how long I have or to set rules on my communications with their Father when it concerns the kids. You're just insecure. "
LOL ...
Very well written middlemom,
Very well written middlemom, I relate to everything you've said here
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." Ziggy
Things like this make me
Things like this make me glad I don't have to deal with this sort of thing. BM and DH communicate mostly during the day when I am at work, and most exchanges happen via daycare or school. When it is DH's day, he picks SD up from daycare.
The way the custody schedule works, the only time they really have to do exchanges is every other Sunday, and BM just picks SD up and goes.
Sometimes they have to do an exchange on the "extra" days, but it's a pick up and go thing. The communication between the two of them is mostly done by phone when I am at work.
It works very well for us. I don't have to deal with her for the most part.
I know not all arrangements can be like this, but it sure makes it easier when it is!
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
See thats how we normally
See thats how we normally are. We have a Friday to Friday thing and we meet someone point on Friday to exchange her things and then who ever is getting her picks her up from her after school program and thats it until the next Friday of course sometimes there are short calls about notices from school or about sports but other than that we dont really ineract or interfer in each others lives. Thats why I find it upseting that one of the few times I go to the house to get her it turns into that. I think to myslef if you only knew how worse it could be. My BF BM is crazy and does things to cause problems all the time. I guess sometimes you just dont know how good you have it
I agree its his issue not
I agree its his issue not mine. My EX just called asking when he was getting our daughter because i hadnt seen her in two weeks so he wanted to know if i planned on keeping her longer to spend some time with her. He brought up what she had said. He said thank you for not engaging her or reacting to it in front of our daughter (she was there when GF said this)thank you for respecting her and I and our house. He said that he did say something to her about it because he thought it was rude also. He didnt go into detail about what he said to her but he did say and i quote "I thought about how I would feel if your BF said that to me and to be honest I would have popped him in his face" LOL He said that she wanted to call me last night to apologize but i told him not to have her do that. I dont need an apology i need her to be decent to me at least around my daughter. I am the same as you i dont care if BF talks to his BM its all good.
Wow... you guys got it
Wow... you guys got it together good! How long has he been dating her? Maybe she just needs to adjust. Its great to hear of people working together about problems. You guys have a great platform to figure this out!
Doesn't stuff like this make
Doesn't stuff like this make you wonder that if can have it so together when they are NOT together, why did they break up?
Sometimes I see people work together so well after a break up, and I'm like geez, couldn't you guys be like this when you were together??
I know it doesn't work like that, but I do wonder.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
My BFF asked me the same
My BFF asked me the same thing she wondered why EX and I were not together because we get along well and I told her that its because we arent together that we get along. He is not my problem anymore and of course we dont have to deal with relationship issues anymore. My EX and I have gotten that question many times. He and I both know why we arent together clearly there where issues but the main focus for us is our daughter not what happend while we were married.
Maybe this is why she's
Maybe this is why she's insecure? Because you guys talk about her?
ETA: Not you and your BFF - I meant you and your Ex discuss issues between him and her.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
We dont talk about her
We dont talk about her though. We talk about our daughter him calling me and saying that today was the first time he talked to me about her and he didnt reallly say much about there discussion he just said that he addressed it with her because he put himself in my shoes and he said he would "pop" my BF if he said something like that to him.
Ahhh, ok..understood
Ahhh, ok..understood now.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
See thats the crazy thing i
See thats the crazy thing i think they have been together for like 2.5 years so this is nothing new to her lol
Well maybe they're fighting.
Well maybe they're fighting. Me and Dh have been together for awhile but because of recent events I don't want him around BM more then I think he needs to be. But we're still fighting that out... when we have clear boundaries I hope things will get easier.
That sucks... I would try
That sucks... I would try the journal idea or maybe emails? Not sure though.
Dh is usually not home when BM comes for SD so I usually get to communicate with BM. I watch and homeschool SD and both Dh's and Bm's day so I know usually what is going on. On the rare times that DH is home when BM comes, it takes both of my feet to kick him out the door to go talk to her. Its actually nice to see them communicate without complete screaming! I would like to think I had something to do with that.
However I have been asked by both BM and DH if I'm present for most conversations ( because lets face it, some one has to be the referee)
However with your situation it sounds like GF might have some jealous issues.
Just call me Cleopatra everybody, 'cause I'm the Queen of Denial