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Augh, I'm in Hell

llorraine2373's picture

Help! I just love this website, I think I would have gone insane without reading the supportive posts from everyone.

My husband and I have been together for 4 years now. I has one SD (17) who is a nightmare of narcissism, greed, and awful behavior. I have 2 SS (15 and 13) who don't live with us, but are a dream to have around. They were raised properly, unlike my SD. My SD was abused by an awful woman, and has had a tough time since then. Unfortunately she is now turning into her mother, and my husband won't do anything about it.

We had the boys vising this weekend, and the SD went off the deep end. She cussed at her father, treated him poorly, and was awful to her step-brothers. She has had poor behavior before, but this was beyond reprehensible. My husband seemed to be on board with disciplining her before but is now allowing her to go about her business as normal. For example, he let her drive again after she ripped the mirror off of my car and proceeded to blame us because we woke her up at 10am and she was tired. I said she was not to drive the rest of the summer, and initially my husband agreed. However, now that my SS's are gone, her behavior has changed back to what my husband deems tolerable (despite my opinion) he now wants to just forget all of this happened instead of discipline her.

We have been trying desperately to find counseling, but no one will take our case (I guess I wouldn't touch us either). If we don't get help soon, I'm just going to lose it!

I know he wants to avoid confrontation, but he is so worthless when it comes to raising her properly and giving her boundaries! I've disengaged, but when she starts to damage my property and treat my other kids like that I can't just ignore it.

I'm debating on telling them to leave, that I have had enough. I don't think this will end, and I can't imagine staying like this. Does therapy help? Has anyone else had this experience? What decision did you make and did you regret it?



Kes's picture

It sounds like your husband has just given up and hasn't the will or inclination to do anything about her behaviour. I don't know what your situation is, but is he out at work all day and sees less of her than you do?
If she ripped the mirror off your car, I would be inclined to demand she pay for the damage, before she was allowed to go near the car again.

I don't really think I'd be willing to have a young woman living in my house and behaving in such ways. Either she would have to shape up or leave. Therapy helps sometimes (I used to be a marital therapist myself), but all participants have to be open to it and willing to make changes. This girl sounds like she is just acting out her anger, which is tiring and stressful for everyone else.
DOn't put up with the status quo - it doesn't sound like you are going to, anyway.

llorraine2373's picture

Thank you, this does help. My husband is just too soft. Now we are fighting about her behavior, but I'm not giving upon this. I gave him the ultimatum this morning that either we go to therapy, or I'm gone. He is going to research therapists today.

It's just so tiring-all of this animosity and arguing. I hope our marriage can hold on, but I'm not so sure.