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Lillywy00's Blog

When You Feel Second To His Ex and Kids....

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This is constantly how I felt with my ex-fiance (more like 5th to his ex and kids) and one of the major reasons I could not move foward with marrying him. 

When I brought it up...I got accused of being 'jealous of his kids', got told "I'm doing this 'for the kids'"/"I feel guilty my kids are in 2 households"/"I don't want my kids to suffer"......  and any other excuse to justify the behavior with minimal improvements

With his ex-wife and kids everything was an emergency/a need/urgent

My daughters father is a worthless POS

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And if I didn't love my kiddo as I do ... I totally regret giving that weak loser the time of day. 

So after this a$$clown pretended to be broke and refused to exercise his parenting time (he lives out of town and made more money in a couple years than most people make in their lifetime...he's only pretending to be poor so that I feel guilty and he can easily con me out of my limited resources) ... I reported his b*tch a$$ to the lawyers and court system. 

Just wanted to say Thanks!

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I'm super thankful for all the people on here who provided insight, support, words of advice, and spent time reading my unlimited rants (sorry)

I can't say thank y'all enough

Feeling a bit lonely (I guess it takes a bit of time to break habits like calling someone daily, checking in, sleeping next to someone, etc) and getting adjusted to being back single again

Also feeling a little disgruntled like if that dude had only .... (listened more, took my side more, put me first more, etc) 

Like y'all said can't change people, can't change the past 

In Shock Disneyland Dad

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So I get a call from the dudes brother (he was the majority owner of the house) and I told him while I deeply care for his brother, I moved out for a multitude of reasons

The dude called up my mom crying and saying how he felt blindsided yet how much he loved me and never tried to hurt me during the relationship (I assume to absolve his guilt around looking like "the bad guy" so me leaving while he was at work could be blamed be all on me...whatever)

In my new place

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In my new place. 

I called him right after he got off work and told him. He said he was about to call me and ask what we were doing for dinner and instead came home to an "empty" house. 

He was in shock and upset. And of course (after all the acting I had to do around him and his family this past month) he thought I was deceptive. 

I explained my rationale was due to that incident where he plopped on me and he claimed he was just playing, wouldn't physically hurt me, and hadn't done that again. 

Countdown (Part 9) … RTG

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I'm doing final packing and my dad text me that since I didn't discuss moving out and the logistics....not to take anything that's "his" 

Okay so I assume he will think that ring is his so I'm leaving that but I do recall one incident where I sold MY expensive blender I got as a birthday gift before I knew him and he lost his everlasting mind, told his coworker, who then was like "is she leaving you because when my exwife left she sold our vacuum?" 

“Smart” Home

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So it's almost go time and 2 things I'm trying to future out. 

I tried to turn this place into a "smart" home but now I need to make it a dumb home so I can leave in peace. 

The garage door and the video doorbell are two areas of concern. 

Fake Holidays

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...It's really hard to do all this fake acting. I would have gotten a hotel but I remembered I need to buy a hotel for an upcoming sports competition out of town next week so I powered through dealing with

  • his ex-breeder dumping those kids off,
  • his a$$ giving me last minute notice per usual,
  • his kids blowing up his phone at ridiculous hours/running him around, 
  • his family and fake pleasantries / fake conversations

Felt especially ackward when
