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going crazy.

ldytremaine's picture

my stepson is making me crazy!!!!!! i just cant do it anymore! i cant wait until he leaves. it seems like forever. he hasnt even been here a month. he is beyond annoying. he talks in a baby voice which kills me. and all he wants to do is play damn video games all day. i dont allow it when his dad is not home. he probably thinks im the biggest bitch, but at this point i dont really care. im not mean with him. i want to be but im not. im not that mean! since hes been here i have huge migraines every single day. his voice just makes me clench. i go to the grocery store almost everyday just to get away. i dont even want to be home. ugh. i just want to scream.


Auteur's picture

Yep I agree! I remember the baby talk, the cartoonesque voices, the "sound effects" for attention. The over exaggerated walks as though miming against the wind (for attention). And of course the SMELL!! Smells like pee, dirty laundry and junk food all combined into one.

Then the constant interruptions, "dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD,DAD"

BIODAD: (letting him interrupt without teaching him it's rude)

(in syrupy sing songy voice) "Whaaaaatt hooooonnnnneeeeeeeyyyyyy?"

SKID: "um, um" (thinking of things to say b/c the interruption was really about stopping dad from talking to stepmom and paying attention to him/her)

"um, um, um, one day. . . .I saw a squirrel."

BIODAD: (chuckling warmly and proud of his idiot spawn) "heh heh, you DIIIIIDD???!!!"

This was an actual conversation btw; none of it was made up; you couldn't MAKE this stuff up if you TRIED!

Then the constant hanging on to biodad's leg, draping over biodad, following biodad all around the house even into the bathroom, only talking to stepmom to ask "where's my dad?" when biodad moves out of skid's peripheral vision.

If you have more than one skid, then they all huddle together in the evening, b/c the BM has told them there's "safety in numbers against the eeeevvvviiiiiiiiillll stepmom aka your dad's WHORE!"

The constant asking for biodad to "step 'n' fetch"

"daddeeee can you get me this, I can't find that, I can't reach this, can you do this for me, I need HEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP to scratch my asssssss."

BOOZE is my best friend.

I dunno but when I was a kid I was taught:

1. never to interrupt your elders
2. never to show disrespect to your parents/elders
3. get out of the house
4. get it yourself
5. it's not broken, you'll live (re: injuries; a scratch nowadays is a call to a CAT scan with these skids)

I taught my grown bios the same things as I was taught growing up. No wonder they're astonished at their contemporaries entitlement and the children today.

smileygirl's picture

OMG! It's like you've lived with my SS's.

My personal fav. is
SS: Dadd-dy, Dadd-dy, Dadd-dy, Dadd-dy....
DH: Yea, Buddddy
SS: I Love You Dadd-dy

This happens about 30 times a day. Pretty much anytime someone notices that DH and I are actually attempting to have a real conversation and generally while shooting me the stink eye and cuddling on DH's leg like a dog in heat. As you said, all without ever being told that it's rude to interupt people and moreover, it's disrespectful to interupt an adult...because it's adorable.

ldytremaine's picture

haha. everyone is right on point. daddy, can i have a drink? daddy, what can i do today? daddy, i need to go pee, daddy daddy daddy. shut the hell up and do it already. my husband does get after him and tell him not to interrupt but he doesnt seem to give a shit. im watching tv and he stands right in front jumping up and down. could i throw the remote at him?! i guess its a 6 year old thing, being dirty. cause hes constantly scratching his butt! gross. but i'll be damned if im gonna be wiping ass. of course i dont mind doing it for my son, but hes 1 year old. and my son is picking up on his annoying habits, screaming for no reason. he will be here the entire summer. his mother lives in vegas. we are in texas. so thank god its only for summer, but seems like a lifetime.

ldytremaine's picture

and did i meantion he has the exact face as his mothers. which all in itself pisses me off. he makes the same stupid faces she does, trying to look cute. im really not a bith so if the girl or kid was anywhere near cute i would say it. but they arent. and he needs validation for everything. he says look daddy i didnt spill my food all over the floor. and? do you need a medal. your arent supposed to do that anyway. when hes done eating his face is more dirty than my 1 year old whos feeding himself! i almost killed him this morning, cause he had his face full of strawberry jelly and then jumps on the sofa! ugh. luckily he got a spanking from his dad. that made my day. okay im officially going to hell!