Last-Wife's Blog
OT- Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome and Weight Loss?
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 22. My cycles have been crazy ever since I can remember, and my acne looks worse than my teenage skids! I am also only 5 foot tall, and about 35 pounds overweight.
While doing a low carb diet almost 10 years ago, I was able to get pregnant, after years of being told I wouldn't have kids. Gibby was our little miracle that made our family complete.
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Dreading Monday
Monday will be the first "official" day of my summer vacation. Both stepsons were gone for the weekend. And Princess has been working for the last four days, so I've hardly seen here. I'm really not looking forward to us all being home tomorrow.
Okay, so PITA is still staying with the in-laws for his little blow-up on the 11th, calling me a b%$^& and saying he hates me, and I don't love him, and I never do anything for him. Loghead says he can stay at grandpa's and rot if he likes. Loghead says he's not coming home until he can learn some respect.
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Nice grad present from BM...
... there's a reason I call her Loca Grande.... Princess came home upset after Mother's Day weekend, because she found pot in her room at BMs house. When she confronted Loca Grande, she admitted it was hers. She told Princess she likes to sit in there and smoke; it helps her get over the pain of not having the kids around...
OMG. What a bitch!
So Princess was very upset, and apprehensive to tell us, but she did because she worried about her brothers being around it...
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We survived. (kinda long, but good stuff about the ex and the skids, and Loghead...)
Princess is a graduate. Members of both families came. We all sat around, eating, chatting, and watching the "My Life" movie I made about her and her and crying.
We were all there because we love and support her. I didn't feel any resentment to Loca Grande or her family for being there. For once, it really was about the skids. I was proud of how we all handled things, but it was funny to see all the "elders" just watch in disbelief. My dad later said he didn't know how I do it all.
Let the drama begin...
... Princess graduates today. Both sides of her family will be represented and are coming for the Open House and the ceremony at school this evening.
Supposedly, Loca Grande has hired a private photographer to come and take photos. This should be interesting... Princess got mad at her last night. She said, "I already have a private photographer. Her name is Last-Wife. She captures me in pictures best because she loves me. If you pay someone for pictures, that's bullshit."
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She graduates tomorrow...
I have been mom to Princess since she was in kindergarten. Today was a her last day of high school. I can't believe she graduates tomorrow.
I've spent the last few weeks scanning in old photos so I could make a movie for her. I was okay with it all until this morning, when I added the music. It was too much. I cried the whole time I watched it, and then had to watch it again to do the edits. I could hardly see the screen through the tears.
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OMG! He's blaming ME?!?!
I confronted Loghead tonight about the lack of support and concern he showed .o me the other night after PITA15 totally blew up on us, calling me names and saying awful things about me...
He had the nerve to suggest that I brought it on because I wouldn't allow PITA to use the laptop to do his homework. "He didn't make the connection that you were punishing him for ignoring the mess the dog made. He just thought you were being cruel, and he said things he didn't mean..,"
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Pat on the back...
Sometimes as custodial stepmoms, there are just some things we have to suck it up, and deal with it. And ocassionally being recognized for these things is nice.
Princess graduates Saturday. I invited everyone. And I mean everyone.
And I made a surprise movie of her life. And included everyone. Loca Grande (BM), Loghead (My DH), Gullible (her step-dad), all of her bio- grandparents, and great grandparents, and my parents and of course her siblings, and as many cousins as I could gather pictures of the them all together, and her step-aunts, etc.
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What comes next? SS15 flips out again...
On Mother's Day, a stray puppy was left at our trash dumpster. We ARE NOT keeping it, but we did plan to take care of it until my SIL, a vet, could find a suitable home.
Somehow during the day on Tuesday, it managed to get into the house. It knocked over the trash can and made a huge mess.
When I came home around 5pm Tuesday, Lazy Boye was sitting on the sofa, playing on facebook. There were socks and clothes all over the living room, and a chewed up styrofoam meat tray. I didn't say anything...
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Mini- update!
I am SO GLAD this site is back up. Loghead was noticing how grumpy and fussy I was getting. LOL
Things have been pretty good:
1. Princess had her prom. She looked beautiful, and wore the borrowed dress. Our only expense was $3 for a pair of flip flops I decorated for her as a joke. Loca Grande (bio-mom) also came along for the afternoon of hair and make-up. Let's just say we both left still in one piece. She probably ran off for a smoke, and I went and got fries!
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