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Ugh! Here we go again!!!

Kmommyof388's picture

Is anyone else getting constantly berated and accused by their in laws? Not even mother in law and father in law (I expect some judgement from them it seems to be in that job description ) but no iam talking about sister in laws...I am ALWAYS having to defend myself against their judgments and accusations. It' always the same *you hate our nephew* * you only care about your bio kids* and the kicker *you treat your step kid like crap and you'e biased* I may treat my skid differently but that is cuz he is OLDER than my 3 little ones. When my bio children get old enough to know better then yes they will have the same expectations. I just want him to the  manners, show respect to adults and to pick up after himself..but apparently that's "unreasonably high expectations from a *baby*" they all act like he is a baby and doesn' know any better...even against their own little children they put him  above them. Am I really expecting too much?  When I was his age (and yes I was around his age when my step-dad came into my life) I was expected to do all of this and more. in my family we were taught those things very early manners were expected and demanded by  age three. So I have a firm believe that if you don't have any expectations or low expectations of your children then you can' really get upset when they have no future as it' your own doing by dropping the bar.

What do you all think? Am I too hard on skid?



JanRebecca's picture

I used to get it from SIL who lived in MN - many many states away. She came to visit last summer and got to see first hand some of SS8 behaviour (he threw a fit on the living room floor for almost two hours because he refused to eat dinner and we wouldn't give him dessert) and I haven't heard from her since - LoL. She was going by what BM told her - they are besties the way it sounds. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

SIL is weirdly cold to me... I kind of just ignore it... I'm fiarly certain it's because I put my foot down and told DH we don't have the rexources or time to be going to grab my neice and nephew every day... And since they refuse to contribute to snacks or juices, or food that their kids much through, we cna't afford to be picking them up all the time and giving it to them when we're not doing awesome financially... DH and I basically ended up deciding that if we could afford to fee two extra kids (that are blackholes and don't have rules) then we'd be spending it on our own place instead of them... Also that it's not our fault BIL and SIL refuse to arrange their schedules for their kids and BOTH decided they wanted not kid friendly jobs and then they picked a daycare that closes 3 hours before they get off... Just because they made that choice, doesn't mean we can afford to support two extra kids...

Since then we've still been struggling financially, but we're not completely broke a week into payday and can actually make it to the next one. So SIL is cold, but it was the best thing for us.


You're not being too hard on the skid, some people just get sensitive over weird things and decide that you (probably as the newcomer compared to everyone else) must be the issue... My SIL has been with BIl for like 14 years (somewhere in junior high...) so therfore as someone who's only been around a few years, any issues she has, it makes it eaier for her to rationalize blaming me. FUnny thing is she hated the ex too, wouldn't even talk to her, so I still haven't really found logic behind it... So I'd just ignore them and keep doing you. You don't owe them an explination. Make sure your DH has your back.

Lemonygirl's picture

My SIL , Thank God, lived states away, pulled crap all the time.  She would send bday cards and gifts to skids but never mine.  Told me I needed to just back off after ss was arrested for drag racing and wrecking a friends car.  Thank you notes for gifts we sent were only addressed and sent to my DH.  She hugged my Dh's ex wife like a long lost friend for 5 minutes at a wedding right in front of me even though they haven't seen each other in more than 15 years.  So yeah,  I totally get it.  I went low contact and that has helped a ton.  What goes on in your family is absolutely none of her business to comment on,  She's instigating problems where there are none.  She is not the niece and needed police!

Siemprematahari's picture

 If your  sister in laws don't pay your bills or put a roof over your head than to h@ll with what they say or think. I'd block them too. Life is short to be stressed out by people who have no clue what goes on in YOUR HOME. I'd shut this down very quickly and tell them to mind their business. The kids are well, healthy, and taken cared of. They can tend to their own issues and mind yours. Don't entertain their antics it only gives them fuel to do it even more. I have no problem cutting people off, inlaws or not. If they don't add positivity to your life then f@ck em'.


dragonfly5's picture

Has an opinion on everything step related. She was not a step child and has no step children but has many opinions on the subject. I finally had enough and told her it is easy to have an opinions from the cheap seats. Step parenting is parenting with your hands tied behind your back and until she was a step parent, I really didn't want to hear how "easy" I have it.

DH told her to stop commenting on what she doesn't know.

She is a lovely person but speaks out of turn.  Sometimes she needs a reality check. And on a step hell day I giver her one Smile

hereiam's picture

My DH's parents are deceased and I pretty much ignore the rest of his family. DH prefers to "love them from afar", as he puts it, so it makes it easy.

Having reasonable, age appropriate expectations for kids, ANY kids, is not being hard on them, it's simply teaching them how to act, how to be decent human beings. How dare you!

How old is your SS?

twoviewpoints's picture

Why tolerate it or stand there trying to defend yourself? 

You need to straight up inform them that if they have issues with the way you try and parent SS that they can tell their son/brother to get off his *ss and parent his own kid. When you are running around caring for and chasing three kids under the age of two while your DH his his head in a video game , the last thing you need and/or want is their two cents.

There is nothing wrong with expecting a six yr old to have been raised by his father to use manners and to respect other people's (his little brothers) property. But his father doesn't help with nor parent any of his kids, so it's all on you. Three of those children belong to you, four of these children (aka all of them ) belong to your husband. 

If they can not respect you and your parenting in your home, they can stay away. If you are visiting over at one of their homes, stop doing so. You have your hands full enough without the frustration they cause you. Maybe your SIL would like to come wipe the 6yr old's *ss everytime his father refuses to either teach him or do it himself.



Kmommyof388's picture

Ss is six years old. My twins are two and my little baby is about to be one. The twins try to clean up (although it usually ends up being messier than where they started but they try and that's the point) Ss can do no wrong and even if it's him doing something wrong to their own children I need to *ease up a bit on him* example last week he was playing with his three year old cousin and they ended up fighting over a toy that was his cousins and Ss pushed him so hard that the poor little guy fell head first into the toy box. I yelled at Ss saying *that's NOT ok to treat someone who is smaller and younger than you it's his toy he wants it you give it back right now and say sorry for hurting him!* and so after that I get called aside by the three year olds mom and she says *you need to stop being so mean to my nephew kids need to be loved and nurtured and felt like equals in your family * um excuse me? My Ss hurt your son and u have a problem with me correcting that behavior?  It' all so confusing. One thing I will absolutely NOT tolerate is someone iam responsible for whether it be my bios or my step kid is bullying little kids  (as someone who has had five sisters so I was the baby) I understand how it is to be bullied and the whole I'm older so I should be able to do what I want when I want just isn' gonna fly with me 

ndc's picture

That sounds like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.  I'll bet if you hadn't corrected SS the 3 year old's mom would have complained that you were allowing SS to bully/hurt her child.  Where was your husband for this?  Does he have your back?

notasm3's picture

Tell them all to STFU and block their sorry asses.  Why associate with aholes? There are so many lovely people in the world.  Don’t waste time on the negative nellies of the world.  

Kmommyof388's picture

Dh was at work at the time of the incident, but he barely acknowledges the behavior from his son, and when he does its mostly for show. He doesn't get along with his family (he has always liked to keep to himself in fact his ex and him never went to the family functions or visits anything like that. They all hated his ex and he just doesn't get along with them so he didn't bother) but on a separate occasion at his other sisters house the kids were playing and Ss tried to rip toys out of his cousins hands  (she was two at the time) and she finally had enough of him cornering her and taking her things so she smacked ss (not hard but hard enough to make him stop) so he goes running over to her mom crying *she hit me she hit me* and so her mother picked him up and babied him and screamed and spanked her daughter! I was so shocked before I even had a chance to explain that it wasn' at all her fault it was Ss I saw everything and so the girls mom yells the little girl needs to grow up and share and be nice?! I couldn' even try to say anything cuz everytime I'd try to speak she would roll her eyes....who the hell does that?! Like do u really love the skid that much more than your own flesh and blood daughter?*shok*