What do you do when his 13yr old is ruining love??????
I have been with my Fiancee for 3 years. We are getting married in 11 months (if we make it). I have never been married and I have no kids. He has 2 kids and an ex wife who is a crazy b*%$h. The hoops that she made us jump through because of all the accusation that she made in court. I don't do drugs, we do occasionally have a couple of drinks and I am mentally sound. I was not allowed to be around their children for the first 9 months of our relationship. Because of the accusations she made in the courts. But her boyfriend who lived with her was allowed. We had to go to a social worker and be drug and drinking tested, the social worker was the one who said I am perfectly sound. The mother of the SD was said to have MMS. Anyway there was constant brain washing going on from mother to daughter. If your nice to your SM the courts will take you away from me and you will have to live with them. She would make up terrible lies to my SD about stuff that she said, I said. Anyway this pattern of lies and malicious behavior has now infected my SD. I have been having nothing but problems with my future Step Daughter age 12 going on 40. She is manipulating, loves to be the center of attention, she thinks the only way to love someone is to fight with them. She has to make every situation a bad one. She has a chip on her shoulder and plays everyone against me. Example: I was going to my Fiance's Sisters wedding. His sister asked me to do my SD's hair, she was in the wedding party. I told my SD to blow dry her hair the night before and I would curl it in the morning when we picked her and her brother up. She didn't wash her hair and we had an hour and a half before we had to meet everyone one at the hotel for pictures. I finally convinced my SD to take a shower. I told her to blow dry her hair so we can curl it, she said no! She didn't want to do her hair, she would do it when she got to the hotel. This conversation went on for 45mins. After the wedding my fiance's sister came up to me and told me that she was mad at me and said thanks a lot for doing your SD's hair! My SD lied to his whole family and said I was mean and wouldn't do her hair. So needless to say the family was mad at me, thinking I ruined all or her pictures. I explained to my SD that I thought she owed everyone an appology. She just put up her hand and blocked me out. And followed with the comment I am nothing but mean.
On another occasion She called her mother from my house and told her that I am verbally abusing her. Couldn't be further from the truth. I have put myself out there to be walked on to many times and can't keep doing it. It has gotten to the point that I am fighting w my fiancee every week to the point that it is a full blown out screaming match. Or I end up leaving our house crying. I feel that he takes her side and his little princess can't do any wrong. I love him very much I don't know how to handle this situation. I can't see things getting better w SD therefore I can't see the fighting stopping over the situation. He works on Saturday and I stay with his kids, I have authority while I am watching them and when he comes home I feel as if I know longer have say. If I do say anything he asks is it really a big deal, your just knit picking. I feel like I am the third wheel in my own house. I feel like it is him and his kids against me. I feel like I don't have a voice in my own house. I have brought this to his attention on many occasions he said It wouldn't happen again or I'll talk to her (SD) and nothing gets resolved. It has gotten to the point that I don't even want his fresh mouth daughter in our house. She has a comment to say about everything. She even talks back to the TV. I am to the point that I am very angry and resentful over the situation. We have all sat down as a family to clear the air and nothing gets resolved. I have purchased books on how to deal with this situation. I am questioning do I really want to deal with this for the rest of my life? And then I see him smile! but every week I still have to ask the same questin and I still say I don't know? This situation is bigger then me.... and greater then my heart can handle.....
- klmdjk's blog
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what about counseling?
Have you talked about counseling not only as a couple but maybe individual counseling for his daughter? All the stuff her mother has been saying to her is really messing with her head. She probably feels guilty if she is decent to you.
Also, talk with the fiance' about couples counseling prior to the big day. He needs to be back you up more instead 'handling it'. As long as his daughter continues to treat you this way and he doesn't address it, the more your going to doubt your relationship and be unable to form a healthy relationship with his daughter.
My BF's son can really rub me the wrong way and for a while I jumped on him about everything. But then I started to notice that I held grudges for everything he did and didn't like being around him. Now, I back off and let my BF address his behavior more. I am not the bad guy anymore. I just worry about how the kids are going to act towards me as they get older. I worry that BM will try to turn them against me. But, I also know that my BF will back me up.
I hope everything works out.
Love your picture!
It rocks! I had to tell you because it is the only thing that made me smile today! Is it your kitty? How cute!
Welcome to the site....
Feel free to vent and let go.
Yes, step kids can make a step parent feel like a piece of shit.
Yes, a bio parent can really mess up a relationship between the other bio parent and a (potential) step.
Frustrations and all of the agony aside, it can be a rewarding relationship if both the adults work towards a common goal. Amazingly you can even learn to cope with a child influenced by the other parent. Most hurdles can be overcome with effort, the two of you just have to decide if the effort is worth the end result.
SD's and their Dads
You are so not alone. This is the biggest and worst thing I have ever had to deal with. My SD(16) is so very manipulative - in fact, I have just come out of their space to leave them at it. Why is it that I feel like the outsider here - he promised to marry me! In my case my SD's mother died 5 years ago and the problem is that my fiance is so very over protective, he does not actually allow normal life to touch on each day. He sees everything that he has no control over as a threat - even myself and things I am doing for my kids and his. I have so lost steam and enthusiasm for life now. He has alienated my children - I am now living here in OUR house with him and his. I did think for a brief 24 hours that he had actually seen the 'error in his ways' and he did try to make amends. But that soon passed and he is back to his one-track line of thinking which will only ever have room for his 2 kids.
If he will back you up you will always have a chance. If, like mine, he will always go his children's way, at whatever cost, then, like me, you may need to redress your beliefs.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Family won't always listen
Hi I am new at this. But here goes, I have a 13 yo SD who is worse than this and lies about me all the time. I am an RN and have had child protection called on me more times than i can count. She is full of horrible lies. BF family believes her a lot of the time.I can defend myself to his family until I am blue in the face I've seen a lot of responses for counseling for SD, but it has reached a point where this is too time consuming for all involved. She already is in counseling at school and in special ed. classes. I have 3 Bio's plus another SD 11 yo. The problem child wants to be center of attention and even when she was seeing an individual psychologist her behavior was horrendous. I have no faith that this will help her or any of us. I feel the only solution would be to send her to a home for kids. Am I being too harsh? Live at my house for 1 day and you decide.
Been there....
Not the calls to DCFS, but I am on the board of directors of a non profit agency which places kids from DCFS and does relative foster care. Believe me, that is not a good solution. There is one answer that you can do -- I hate to say it, but it sounds like it might be at that point. You can move out and let DH deal with the situation. Yes, it might be the end of your marriage, but if child protection is being called you could lose your license and worse.
I moved out for a similar situation, just before it got that bad. The grass can be greener for you on the other side.
I can't move out
I own my house and I couldn't move out because it would have bad consequences for my other SD-11 yo. There has to be another solution that will benefit all of us. I will not have SD make all of us miserable. I think she should move out. What if i just refused to let her come in the house. She would go to her grandmothers and she would have to keep her there.
One of Dr. Phil's biggest mantras is
past behavior is the best predictor for future behavior.
I am so sorry. I know how
I am so sorry. I know how you feel. My husband has finally changed his ways for the most part...only after I threatened to leave him. He used to kiss my S/D ass and treat her like a damn princess. All she has ever done is lie and cause problems. She's still horrendous and evil but at least he has pulled his head out of his butt and defends me now. It hurts when they don't defend you or at least reinforce your authority. I couldn't live my life like that anymore and I told him so....right after I moved all of my clothes out of our closet : )