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Mother's Day - nice start - not so nice end

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

Mothers day started off really nice with SD6 waking me up with a “Happy Mother’s Day” and then two cards she made and some gifts. We spent a few minutes together and I started to make bacon and eggs as DH was at work. I wanted to call my mum for mother’s day and that when it started. She cracked the shits because I was on the phone to mum. Mum asked me what we were going to do today, I didn’t have anything planned. She suggested a girlie day with SD so I suggested that to SD. She was happy to do it, little pampering with painting nails and curling hair, face mask for both, hers for sensitive skin of course and then maybe a touch of make-up. SD decided to be funny and play the game where she is parrot and repeat everything I said so then I played along. We got to the point it was getting annoying and I said supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus. She cracked the BIGGEST wobbly because she cannot say it yet. I wasn’t going to pander to her rubbish today same as very day so I let her run off and be a sook. I checked on her 5 minutes later and she ignored me so I just went for my shower. After the shower I looked in on her again and she had a very cheeky grin on her face like its ok to act this way, I talked to her about it and she ended up saying sorry to me which was good of her. Then the rest of the day she has been rushing me to do all of the above. I curled her hair first then she cracked it because I curled my hair. She didn’t want to wait to do the next thing. All day has really been about her so when DH got home I palmed her off to him. He asked me whats wrong and I told him so he offered to take her to the park with the dog so I could relax. She stated annoying him as soon as he got home and has been in a feral mood most of the day but now I can relax in front of the TV with my laptop and talk to friends on FB and whinge here.
That my vent for the day
I hope the rest of you mothers out there had a wonderful day.
