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Where is SUPER MOM now?

Kenna's picture

SS16 has been at BM's for 2 weeks today for the summer. Yesterday SO gets a text complaining that he is misbehaving. LOL, ok had to get that out of my system!

When SS16 was here and back before I disengaged, everytime he would get in trouble (from me) for anything, tardies at school, personal hygiene, table manners, ANYTHING. He would whine and cry to BM and then she would send threatening texts to SO. She would play Super Mom and baby him. SO and I never spoke with her regarding his discipline, in our home if he needed to be grounded he was (again, before I disengaged). SO of course played the same role, feeling sorry for him if I disciplined him or even said a stern word to him (hence the disengagement).

So I can't help but sit back and smile, now that they both have a kid that is 16 and "misbehaving"...ok, ok, I am not smiling I am actually laughing!

She wants SO to handle this problem lol!
My thought is...if she would stop trying to play Super Mom and just PARENT him, things would be easier for her.

SS16 wants to live with BM during the upcoming school year (which I am in FULL support of lol) but I told SO that she will call and complain to him every time SS won't do a chore, won't do his homework, says a bad word etc. It didn't even take the summer months, it took two weeks and she is already pulling this Smile I should have known!

In summary I guess I just am glad that she is getting a little dose of what it is like living with her son. It might have been easy to play the Super Mom part from a distance, but with him in the house it might not be as fun as she thought! And maybe the next time SS16 complains and says "evil SM yelled at me again" She will ask why and then realize HE NEEDED it!


Kenna's picture

He hasn't responded to her text, I am guessing he will call his son directly and tell him to straighten up (just a guess). He was only home from 2am to 5am last night (at work) so he didn't have time to deal with her