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Don't scream at the baby!

KayJay's picture

Well tonight when my husband got home from work, I ran through the days events for him. I had no sooner got done telling him the baby (11 mo) had been up most of the night and had been "out of sorts" all day, and I believed him to be a bit constipated. As soon as I get this all out the baby started to fuss a bit and hubby says "ohhh, quit your whining" in a loud, gruff voice. I reminded him of what I just got done saying and asked why he always yells at him especially when I just got done saying he doesn't feel good? Hubby snapped at me saying he wasn't yelling and why do I always think he is? If i percieve his tone to be mean, wouldn't baby? (he did finally go potty btw) Hubby always sounds mean when he talks to baby and my 4yr old. It's definately different than the tone he uses with his son. I'm also making stuff up when I point this out. Sometimes, I really almost believe I must be imagining it.

Well the SS8 has H1N1. He was exposed to it first before his mother decided to take him down for a vaccination. As if that was going to help after the fact. Well sure enough he came down with it. His mother is taking such excellent care of him by giving him nothing but kool aid to drink. I hope hubby isn't stupid enough to try to get him this wknd and expose the little ones to it.

I mentioned before that my BS4 has been referred to a pediatric GI specialist at the nearest childrens hosp 2 hrs away. The soonest he can be seen there is January 19, 2010. Someone has called the Shriners and they are going to meet with us to see if they can help. My hubby didn't react what-so-ever to this news. I feel somewhat relieved that we may be able to find out something sooner. Of course, I'm the only one that deals with his issues as it's just too much for hubby. He can't deal with anything that comes out of the children because it's too gross for him (as if I find it to be tremendous fun) and he can't give meds because he never reads anything and tends to try to OD the kids. (I caught him about to give baby a rather large dose of ibuprofen one time and forbade he ever give meds again) he doesn't see the harm in too much meds as it's his habit to always take more than the reccommended dosage for himself. He isn't a real large guy.

Well I know I tend to get of subject sometimes but I really feel so much better after doing this. I don't have any friends or anyone to really talk to. I've never blogged before either. My first one was kind of a gush, lol. Thank you so much to all of you.

I may find my sanity here


buttercup123's picture

Men! Hmmph. I wouldn't let him give meds either. Sounds like you're a great mom. I would suggest that if he dislikes (or sucks at ) doing certain things then make a list of his chores and a list of yours. Give him the "manly", or whatever chores like taking out the garbage, keep the garage clean...I dunno. But at least make it fair so you aren't stuck doing everything.

stepoff's picture

That's complete horse sh!t! Sorry KJ, but it sounds like your hubby has a LOT of growing up to do. He doesn't sounds all that happy with himself. I sure hope he helps with other things around the house. Apparently he doesn't 'get' how much work and effort it takes to raise even 1 child. And make sure SS8 stays at HOME. He shouldn't be anywhere near the baby. The baby isn't even old enough for the shot yet. H1N1 is something that could kill him!

Angel72's picture

If he decides to bring the infected one, leave the house for a while with the baby and the 4 year old.
Most men are idiots...sorry..but that is how i feel.

stepoff's picture

You're right Angel, but she'd have to be gone for 3 days! The virus is (I believe) active for 72 hours. That's a long time to be gone with a baby. Maybe find another home to stay with the baby. Have any relatives nearby?

stepmom2one's picture

with H1N1 they are not contagious 24 hours AFTER the fever went down.

invisiblestepmom's picture

Question, my SS15 may have H1N1 himself...he has had the fever all week at BM's house and still has it, does that mean he is still contagious then?

stepmom2one's picture

yes---thats what my neices dr said. She said that my neice was to stay home from school till the fever subsided--then 24 hrs after that she could continue as normal.

My neice had a fever for about 5 days....

invisiblestepmom's picture


dsfsdjfn's picture

H1N1 is contagious 24hrs before the symptoms start and about until 7 days after symptoms appear in adults, 10 days and more in children. Stay away from the infected one and if that is not possible keep the baby a meter away from the coughing brat at all times...(at least you will try to keep him away from the droplets of h1n1 crap in the air...)good luck with your husband...he does not seem very nice...that sux for you...

invisiblestepmom's picture

I have issues w/ My DH's tone with our little boys as well. He has no patience for them yet I have watched him for the last 11 years have all the ptience in the world for my bratty step son. I tell him this and he says well I dont want them to end up like him. So now after how many years of ignoring the problem he sees there is a problem with his sons behaviors but still doesn't get that yelling and snapping at the kids is not going to do anything about the problem except make the little onse scared of daddy's temper.

invisiblestepmom's picture

Oh forogt good luck with the H1N1 i would try to keep your baby in other rooms while the infected one is around.

KayJay's picture

Yes. I fully plan to keep SS home at his moms this wknd if I have to throw myself in front of DH's truck as he's driving off after him.....but I'm sure it won't come to that. I'm most concerned about my 4yr old coming in contact with it since his immune system has issues anyway (you should see me in the car before we leave the store with my hand sanitizer) Dont get me wrong tho- I'm just as anal with the baby.