Justwantsomepeace's Blog
Why is everyone but me suprised that BM is being a psycho b*tch about our vacation again this year?
Every year we have the right to block out two weeks of uninterrupted time each summer. We can take it as 1 chunk or 2 separate weeks. Every year we go to the beach with my family the week beginning with Fathers Day weekend. Every year, she finds a new way to freak out and upset the kids big time.
SD20 tells DH her ex BF gave her chlamydia and she "might" be pregnant
Am I crazy? Am I the only one that thinks that there are just some things you don't tell your dad?
DH tells me yesterday that the day before SD20 tells him her exBF (they dated 5 months and broke up 5 times in that period because he kept cheating on her) gave her chlamydia and that she might be pregnant. She's not sure if she's pregnant, she isn't even late yet, but she's been feeling "bad".
Why do I even bother?
I don't know why I even bother. What is the f*ing point? I joined this family hoping that I could be happy. I am miserable. And nobody cares. I don't know that I've ever been so alone, even when I was alone.
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Not enough valium in the world
We had to put my dog down on Tuesday, she's been suffering from cancer and it was time. She was my best friend and this has been really difficult on me.
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Dreading Easter. Isn't this supposed to be a happy day?
So for Easter we go to church with DHs parents. Evidently SD20 will be there too. I haven't seen her in 3 1/2 months since the whole CPS incident and her going to DHs parents and telling lies about me. I haven't seen her, but while we were out of the country for a week she and her loser BF were in our house. I can't begin to tell you how pissed I was about that, and DH doesn't really seem to care. He didn't want to talk to her about it because "she's trying so hard" and "things are getting better" ?!?! Wish I knew what he knows that I don't.
My letter to SD20 after CPS incident and fake apology
This is the response I sent to SD20 after her involvement with CPS coming to our house about SD15 (see previous blog), and her years of blaming me for every possible thing that could possibly go wrong in her life. I'm tired of being the whipping boy, so I was trying to get her off my back. I have no hope of this meaning anything to her, but I sent it anyway.
SD20 apologizes (sort of) after CPS incident - Need some advice
Sorry this is long
So after SD20 tried to get DH arrested for incident with SD15 (see previous blog) we told her that she we were no longer paying for her to go to college (15K a year). She has barely spoken to DH in the month since and the two times she has spoken to him he initiated it and she spent the entire conversation complaining about how stressed she was about money and she couldn't pay her phone bill (DHs parents have been paying $100/month for it since she went to college a year and half ago which they have now stopped).
Death threats and Child Protective Services - Oh Joy
This is going to be long I think - and this is the short version.
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1st weekend without SKids in 1 1/2 years!!!
This weekend DH and I will have no SKids for the first time in a year and a half. BM FINALLY signed the papers. They've seen her for 2 to 12 hours since the judge found her in contempt (4 times) for psychological stuff last summer. All she had to do is get therapy which she is finally doing and we've got a new CO.
And its New Years Eve! I'm doing the happy dance
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What's the best and/or worst things skids have done to you?
I've been feeling pretty down lately at the way SD20 has been treating me. I figure that if people would tell their best and/or worst skid stories I'll feel better because hopefully mine aren't so bad, or the good ones will give me hope for the future. Anyone?