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BM interrogating SS's over the phone

justwantpeace's picture

Ok, so we have had ss's for a month now, BM FINALLY calls yesterday to check on them. From what I could gather from ss's end of the conversation, she is interrogating them. She wants to know every little detail. What did they eat for dinner, where have they gone, what have they done. How many fireworks did they have on the 4th. WTH???? She doesn't call for a month and then does this. It makes me so mad. And then, SS replies with things like, "I haven't eaten yet" It was 10:00 pm and he had eaten a few hours before. Then he tells her they were going to be home alone, which was not true. I know the boys aren't thinking about what they say, they are kids for crimeny christmas, but she takes all that they say to use against us. She also has been telling them the reason she won't help with the transportation for summer visitation is because we are behind on child support. She shouldn't even be talking about such things with the children. They keep telling me all this crap she says about us. I simply told them that I hope they know us better than that and not everything that is said about us is true, that there is a lot of anger and hurt coming from their mother and sometimes things get said out of anger and hurt that aren't always the truth. Oh the things I wish I could tell them. God bless the day they turn 18 and they can find out everything on their own. They will have full access to all the court records, all recordings, all documentation, everything they will need to let them know how hard we have tried to get them out of the situation they are in and make a better life for them. All the ridiculous things BM has done out of spite. AAAAAGGGHHHH. I am so frusterated right now. I want to call her and give her a good what for, but alas, I have to be the bigger person and butt out of it. Do any of you have BM's that interrogate Skids when you have them? How do you deal with it. I can't sit there and monitor the conversations and instruct ss's on what to say.


Amazed's picture

" not really...uh" when snowshyte talks to her mom on the phone. it's funny...if I'm in snowshyte's line of site she'll look at me and make a strangling motion with her hands bc she's sick of her mother asking so many questions...or she'll make the motion of "talk too much" with her hands. it's getting to the point when snowshyte talks to her mom she heaves these HUGE sighs and is like,"i'm done talking mom, love you bye." and hangs up. It's pathetic on the part of BM and it's hugely annoying for snowshyte to be questioned by her mother constantly. I really restrain myself to keep from doing the same thing to my son when he gets back from his dads...I've managed to restrict myself to just asking, "how was your weekend? do anything fun?" that's all I'll allow myself!

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

FutureSM's picture

but only because my daughter is just recently having regular visits with her dad. One reason, I am truly interested in what she did while she was there. Next reason is that he just got out of prison, and although he lives with his mom, I have to make sure he is on the straight an narrow...

justwantpeace's picture

under those circumstances, but she is just doing it to see if there is anything she can use against us. The kids really hate it. They feel like they are being dragged in the middle and are scared if they say something wrong, they will be in trouble. I, as a mother, would want to know what my child has been doing and if they are having fun, but the questions she askes get ridiculous and out of hand.

I feel like I have to watch everything we do and say. It drives me nuts. Plus the fact that she hasn't been too worried about them to only call one time, after a month of them being gone, clear across the united states!!!!
Making the decision to have a child is momentous~ It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside of your body~