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Oddly Peaceful

just_tired's picture

It's been 44 days since skids have seen BM and 25 days since they talked to her. 44 days ago was her last supervised visit before being arrest again and she's been in jail for 25 days and hasn't made any attempt to call and talk to them. What kind of mother doesn't talk to her kids for almost a month, I just don't understand.....


Exjuliemccoy's picture

^^I hear ya, girl! No more free passes for these women who allow their addictions/mental problems to affect their kids! And the CPS misson statement, "Striving to keep families together" is inherently flawed IMHO.

My ysd had no contact with her BM from the age of 14 until she was 20. As soon as the skid decided she wanted to live with us, BM cut off all contact with her last paycheck, err, beloved child. Not a call or even a postcard for six long years. That sealed the deal on a kid that was already damaged.

We spent thousands duking it out in family court with Psycho & her free attorney. We presented facts - lots of facts that revealed what a crappy parent BM was, to no avail.
And the result is a broken, mentally ill SD who is perpetuating the cycle of irresponsibility and government dependence she learned from her non-mother. Thanks a bunch, family court.