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Long vent...letting out before the end of the year.

JustMe604's picture

I live with my partner. She has a mentally ill son with drug and alcohol addictions. He no longer lives with us because he was too much to deal with. Her and her family still deal with him even though he is an adult. Grandma and Grandpa still enable their grandson. It used to pisss me off but at the end of the day this isnt my s@#$. How they deal with him is their own doing. And he is the way he is because of them. ENTITLED. They have housed him in hotels even pay for his current apartment where he will be getting eveicted at the end of January cause he caused too much problems. They buy him alcohol and buy all his food. Give, give, give to the point its shutting them down while all he does is take take and take. All for what? Oh I remember...for keeping him "safe" which maked no sense to me cause he still does all the same dangerous things inside his "safe" home. They provide him his own space cause no one wants to live with him.

I've dealt with situation for over 5 years. Lots of crazy situations. My partner and I even broke up over him cause he was out of control in our home. Now we have our own living space without him, but of course she still deals with him. I mean I'm all supportive of her visiting him and spending time with him. Shes good with him like that now. She never used to be and it took her a long time to follow through her boundaries with him. Saying no to his request for drugs and alcohol. She started taking care of herself a little more too. But like this morning. She gets a call at 6am because once again he's being a disturbance. I have PTSD from all the years of this. Im angrier now and cold especially when it has anything to do with him. I dont care. I really dont care. And even I know thats not good.

My Partner calls me black and white and that I lack empathy and understanding to those who have mental health and addictions. Maybe I do and maybe I do because all the years I have seen them deal with him. I have always been the person on the outside so yes I'm not jaded by the truth. Her and her family tip toe around him like hes still a little boy. Not telling him hes getting eveicted cause it will hurt his feelings. Bailing him out of every little thing he has gotten himself into with no consequence or accountability. 5 years later, same never ending vicious cycle. Why? Cause nothing has changed with how they deal with him. I've learned to keep my mouth shut when my partner vents to me. Cause saying something back or giving the slightest oppinion pisses her off, even agreeing with her causes a riff. I get it, its a stressfull situation. Its her kid. And yes i feel horrible for what she is going through as a mother. I dont mean to make it worse. But her son has been walking over everyone who has took care of him. He Continues to manipulate everyone who has sacrficed everything for him. And he doesnt care, and yes i know why, its because he's sick. But What are the boundaries of using the word he is sick? I feel like there is none. Maybe I lack the empathy cause I grew up in a home not having ever dealt with anyone with addictions. I agree its hard for me to understand but it deosnt mean i havent tried to understand either. This is a lot...its always been a lot. And to be honest. Im sick of it.



JRI's picture

My SD60 isn't in as bad a shape as your SS but there are similarities.  The drug use, the personality traits, the enablera, in our case, DH.   We are in the position of your SS's grandparents, we subsidize her housing so she doesn't live with us anymore.  It's disgusting but I don't know an alternative.  Your SO sounds like my DH.  If I ever make a comment, he says there have always been weak people, the mental hospjtals are full of them, shes his daughter, etc etc.  

I don't have any advice except count your blessings.  He's out and your SO is gaining a little insight.  Good luck, Justme.

tog redux's picture

There is a very fine line between helping and enabling, and it can be hard to distinguish where it is. The whole lot of them need therapy and/or Al-Anon to try to find that line and understand their own part in the process.  Helping can be be beneficial; enabling keeps him stuck in his addiction and untreated mental health issues.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

I'm with you. You can be understanding of why they act the way they do, have sympathy for their mental illness/addiction, and still be completely done with their bullshit. A parent will always love their child and want to help, but nobody else is going to feel the same way if the person's behavior goes past a certain point. I may post about it later, but my SO is moving his 22-year-old daughter back in because of similar issues. I don't live with him but i stay with him about half the time. I'm having extreme anxiety and idk if i can deal with her. We live just down the street from each other and she will be a constant presence. Fk this. 

tog redux's picture

I hope you realize you deserve better than the constant drama this man brings to your life.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your partner, her son, and her parents are all sick TOGETHER. She and her parents are KEEPING her son sick, so unless they change, he won't. You get to watch the sh!tshow, getting splattered by the poo. You're expected to be "supportive", despite the fact that it's affected your mental health, and you're the bad guy for being normal. Does that sum it up?

I think you need to do more to protect yourself from the sickness. I also think you need to decide what your limits are, because this situation is not good for you. You've got half a partner yet all the stress, and for what?

It's okay to tell your SO that you don't want to talk about her son anymore; that you can't be supportive because the dysfunction has taken a toll on you. You also have the right to ask her to go to counseling, AlAnon, etc. And you have the right to leave; to recognize that change isn't going to happen and move on to a healthier and more peaceful life.

I'm familiar with addiction, and know what it is to be collateral damage. I have literally shoveled manure for an addict and know it's an exhausting, complex dynamic. You need to focus on YOU, just you and figure out what you need and why you stay. Your SO needs to hit rock bottom just as much as her son does, so maybe losing you could be the catalyst for some good change.

JustMe604's picture

Thank you to all who have replied to any of my blogs. I value everyones words and advice. When I feel like I'm alone in this I remember this space and community. We share a lot of hardships and frustrations and our stories. I am truely grateful. Happy Holidays and a Happy New year. May 2022 be a healthier one for us all. Stay safe.