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Alcoholic SS has done it again

JustMe604's picture

Just  been upventing. I've for about 24hrs now. Waiting for my SO who is in the hopital waiting for her xray results. My SS had another night of drinking and things got nasty again. Resulted in a huge argument. Recently made ammends with him from the last nasty incident and we are at it again. I mean of course things arent gonna change. The enablers will continue to "keep him safe" but really they are feeding into his addictions. He continues to be verbally abusive and blabs about non sense. I was sick a few days ago and he just wouldnt shut up. I had a bad headache and it felt like a drill was going through my skull,  but he didnt care about how loud an annoying he was being. A Very Selfserving person. 


tog redux's picture

So he attacked your SO and put her in the hospital for x-rays?  What will it take for her to see that her method of "treatment" isn't working? And how long will you live like this?

JustMe604's picture

No he did not attack her. He was having a melt down and stormed out. My SO went to chase him she just tripped and fell. I honestly dont know. They will do everything to keep him safe. I dont know where their limits stand. I dont wanna live like this anymore.

tog redux's picture

Sadly, as you know, they are not keeping him safe, they are "loving him to death" as they say on the show Intervention - and they are eliminating any chance that he will get better, when they mean to do the exact opposite.

Would your SO at least agree to see a therapist with you that specializes in chemical dependency family issues? So she can learn more about how to best "help" him and herself?

Otherwise, I think you have a tough choice to make.   She's an addict too - she's addicted to him.  And until she sorts that out, she really can't be the partner you deserve.

Harry's picture

Your SO is  enabling her son.  Until this changes. It will be the same old.  Both should go to meetings. As AA. Partners of AA people.