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Just want to cry! And rant, and be a bitch.... sorry in advance

JustAnotherStepMomPNW's picture

    I feel like I spend too much of my new life, complaining. Always crying, feeling like an outsider, trying to fix things, apologizing for the way I feel. I am so tired and overwhelmed, I honestly had not for a minute given thought to what step parenting would be like. I was married to my bio kids (28 and 25) for 7 years and have had a successful co-parenting life with him ever since. For sure, over the years I had dated men who had children but it was peripheral, I was not living with them, nor was it even close to a forever thing, and it was pretty normal feeling.

    Then I reconnected with a school friend a couple years ago, the last thing I imagined was we would end up married and that his practically grown children would be ruining my life. Maybe I am being melodramatic, I am unsure but F#$K! SS23 just moved out last year with my encouragement so I had that against me from his point of view. He has flourished being an adult and taking care of his business and compared to last year this time, is doing great with everything except me. His Mom makes sure to constantly be whispering in his ear all the things I am stealing from him. I don't understand why he thinks I am a gold digger, for crying out loud I went from living in my own place on a golf course with no bills to moving in to a gawd dang double wide on his parents property with tons of monthly financial commitments. He won't talk to me or come to the house if I am home and honestly, I care very little because it costs me nothing. SD18 is where I am about to become a jumper. She just moved out 2 months ago with a dramatic F you to me and doesn't to speak to me or her Dad. We pay $660 for her car, car insurance, cell phone and cell phone bill and I am LIVID. I do not think that a grown adult who is disrespectful and doesn't work or go to school should have that kind of benefit Hubby made the commitment to pay these things before we were married and I feel like I  should feel guilty for wanting to pressure him to stop. It is causing me so much resentment, I have just started going to counseling and every single day that goes by that our finances suffer so that "child" has the luxury to lay around all day and eat ice ceram, makes me CRAZY. I want to run away. I love my husband but I hate that he just refuses to address this. He is guilty, he is afraid of not being liked, or loved. SD actually demanded he divorce me. WTF??? How in the world do I be okay with stepping back? How do I become cool with all of this? I want to demand he stop paying for an adults lifestyle when that adult does not contribute anything. My counselor says I just need to disengage and not talk about the kids to him. I feel like that is just making me feel more resentful.....All of this said, I am thankful to know I am not alone. Thank you to each and every one of you. I appreciate you!


Steptalker2's picture

Do you share finances with him? If he is spending your money on his kids you can put a stop to it. Can you move back to your house and have him visit instead! I bought an investment property after living with them for a little bit because I couldn’t stand it. I hope you can re establish your old life now that you know it is not going to work. Nothing has to be permanent you can always change it. I wouldn’t want to deal with horrible adult children either. Can you be the wife who lives far away that dad goes to spend time with? I’m now the wife who doesn’t want to see skids nor interact with his family and I make sure to keep BM a nonentity in my life. 

Steptalker2's picture

DH called me a gold digger but  I make way more than him and bought my own house after we married. He makes way less than I do and struggled to pay child support. Maybe they are the gold diggers? When I lived with DH and paid half the bills he was finally able to buy stuff for his kids but I wasn’t going to keep supplementing his income if I wasn’t being treated right.

Booboobear's picture

I hear you, JAS, VENT AWAY!!  Makes no sense if skids want to think gold digger.......people just want to BELIEVE things are what they THINK they are, just because they don't want to be WRONG.   

Have you ever gone to a family reunion and a family members kid was hard to tolerate?  Did you get involved and try to adjust that kids behavior? or did you turn to some other family member whose company you ENJOY and strike up a conversation, SILENTLY RELIEVED that its SOMEONE ELSES job to redirect and entertain the family members kid? 

I would be wanting to go back to visit the golf course house on SKIDLESS days with my DH if I were you!

CLove's picture

Sounds kind of like heaven.

I agree with the others - save up and get out of dodge. Gold digger needs to move on dontcha know.

Im laughing because last year, BM Toxic Troll and I got into a tiff (my fault) and she called me the "non-working c@nt". The live in mooch and she hoped that then SO kicked me out of my home. We married a month later and a year later, I have an awesome job making twice her $$ with better benefits and she is a non-working slug. LOL. She is now the "non working c@nt", if you will. The mooch, living off her ex, getting CS and Spousal S.

LOL. The SD sounds like a totally entitled jerk. My own DH is a major people pleaser, but he told SD20 no when she asked to move back in with us, because she was arguing with Toxic Troll. And he is learning to tell TT BM no when she asks him for things, or wants him to jump through hoops.

Shut down that talk. Does DH go to bat for you?