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Jewals's picture

I'm at my wits end! My SS8 is disrespectful and minds no one. My DH doesn't make him mind very well either. There's always the excuse of "they have a special situation"... I'm constantly telling him he's not doing them any favors. Any way, the other night my 2 year kid had a marker and was drawing on his dry erase board when SS8 decided he wanted to draw and 2 year old told him no he was drawing .. So we told him to leave him alone he was drawing first... As soon as all attention was turned away SS grabbed 2 year old by the head and was slinging him to move him out if the way and taking the marker... I fussed and DH "swatted" my SS. No tears nothing just about 49 seconds of fake pouting bc he got called down. So I fussed more at SS and DH got mad at me ... I told him I didn't care that he was mad ...


oneoffour's picture

You need to explain to your DH that you have a 'special situation'. You are expected to ignore his kids shitty behaviour as if it didn't happen. And suggest that if he feels you are tough on his son being a brat to the 2 yr old then it will be OK for an older kid to be a brat at his son.

We all have 'special situations' dumbarse!

Jewals's picture

We have had all the discussions you could possibly think of. It's an ongoing battle. I told him if he wasn't careful all of his kids would be in a "special situation"

Jewals's picture

Special situation according hubby is divorce & their mom is crazy and causes drama...I agree she's crazy & she's screwing them up but I've also said he's taking his part in screwing thenm up. He and my MIL have made comments about thinking SS is going to end up in jail & I said he's your kid do something to prevent it .. I keep saying there's another child involved and he has more to worry about than just them..