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Husband's Ex-Wife wants him back again and is being a major ass for us!!

jennifer23's picture

My husband and I have been married for almost 2 years, he has been divorced for a little over 2 years now. Every so often she gets this thing where she wants him back. She is dating a woman and has been for almost 2 years. She is using the kids against him. If she does not get what she wants she blows up. She wants it her way and that is it. She gets to tell US what time to get them what time she will be here to get them and just everything. I try to point out that the papers say 3pm Fri to 6pm Sun and she does not care she will say well i dont have to let him take them. She hates me for being with him. She told him the other day she still loves him wants to be with him will always love him, why do you think i have not moved on n this n that. He told her I do not love you I love Jennifer.. She said she will never accept the fact were married and i am nothing to her kids. She does nothing with them, she works all the time and anyone and everyone has them. I help them do ABC'S and 123'S and she gets mad. I love them lk there my own. I am 23 married and have 5 kids. Only 2 are mine.. I love my family but I just dont know what to do really.

I told my husband I am so sick of this I am going to find out how to make the visits go though the court house or cops (pick up and drop off there at 3pm Fri and 6pm Sun) that way she can not ever keep them from us or make us take them longer.. IS that the right thing to do? Help me if you could.. Thank You,


TinaKay's picture

to do everything directly according to the divorce papers where everything was laid out. If we didn't my husbands ex and kids would have taken advantage in any and everyway they could.
In the divorce it says exactly when the visits will be and when they will be returned. Pick up and drop off times are included.
His ex last summer went off scedule by sending his son to a summer camp, did she ask us? no... but we could have taken her to court because of it.
The reason we didn't was the son seemed to like it and she did not ask us to pay for her choice to have him live somewhere else without asking his father.
Did the divorce not cover visitation ? Just wondering because my husbands did. It was outlined as to everything, including who gets to claim which kids on taxes each year. I am in USA, so maybe where you are its not covered.

Anon2009's picture

going for 50/50 placement or primary custody? That way there's less time she can be so emotionally abusive to them...

I don't know that getting the cops to handle visitation transfers is a great idea unless your DH is at the transfer place, waiting for them, and the kids never show up and he's tried calling BM but she refuses to turn the kids over.

Many courts are of the opinion that mom and dad don't have to be at the transfers- the kids just need to be there on time. In other words, if BM had a friend bring the kids to you guys, then that is ok as long as they get there on time. Right now though, the courthouse might be your best bet. A lot of courthouses do have something like that in place.

jennifer23's picture

yeah i know but she wont do that we tryed with his mom and she said no she dont even want me to get them or anything she wants him to and plays games. it best i think so that way she can hold them or anything

TinaKay's picture

I want to add something... if you end up in court over this, which may need to happen to get it right, you may want to ask them to not only write it all down but think about other things you can add in visituation.
FOR INSTANCE, my husband asked his ex does not move out of the area, not over 25 miles from the city limit as long as he has visitation rights and if she did, getting the kids to him would be financially on her, she would have to transport the kids and pick them up, until the youngest was at least 16

jennifer23's picture

she has it already made for that he cant move more then 15 miles til the youngest is 18

Tara12's picture

Hey Jen, first of all welcome! You have a lot on your plate with 5 kids there but it sounds like you are a good mom/sm and enjoy your family - that is so wonderful.

Now with BM I would strongly suggest having a 3rd party do drop offs/pickups. Is there someone that you can coordinate that with or is there a program through the courts in the city that you live in have a service like that? I think that would be the way to go for you guys and keep out of the drama with the BM as much as possible.

As to the BM talking to your H I would have a serious talk with him and tell him that unless he and BM are talking about the kids that as soon as she starts to talk about any other nonsense that he put her on notice that if they are not talking about the kids he is hanging up because he is not interested in hearing what she has to say. But he has to follow through with it. I know it might be hard because he is used to sitting there and listening to her but with you backing him up and being supportive I'm sure you can put boundaries in place so you can move on and just have YOUR happy family!

Good luck to you hun!

BMJen's picture

dictate where you guys move to? Can that even be put into divorce papers?

BMJen's picture

going to live.

Granted, it would be nice for him to be a part of my son's life more than once a year. But I don't think it would matter where he lives, that's still all he would do.

Can you imagine the nerve, telling your x where they can live! That's nuts-o.

Totalybogus's picture

Your husband is going to have to file a motion for contempt about the visitation issues in order to force her to comply with the CO. Your idea about a neutral place for pickups and drop offs is a good one. Make sure that if he does follow through and files the motion, that he gets that in to facilitate the visits. It will make both your lives so much easier. Good luck.

hikmat's picture

My neighbors and  people in most places of at home and work  who knows me because of my husband bad habits keep asking me, Ashley'  how did you do it. The sudden change of  my harsh and drunk addict husband? And my response is, I don't know. But I thank to the almighty Allah who directed me to Guru Mata ji Sunlight.priestess of ezioguru. Who with her mercy, and kindness, take away drunkenness and recover him back. My husband started drinking out of frustration. He lost his job 3days to his promotion. He was been advice wrongly with his bad friends when he stopped listening to me. that made him sold our car. and yet till today I still don't know what he did with the money. He got totally discouraged after realizing what he did and attempted to commit suicide.  luckily for me, I was around that day and ever since  then I got really scared to let alone because I know he won't stop it there as I don't know what he would try next cause, I am not ready to be a widow. Everything just happen like he was been remoted. But I thank Guru Mataji Sunlight who into my life with lightness and shine me so bright over every darkness I was in. She recovered back my husband and gave us restorations.  She is the reason why I am happy and gladly to share with you that want to get to meet Guru Mata Sunlight. Via She will help you with solutions to whatever problem you are having or facing. And pls I drop this email only for those who seriously need help. So only contact if you need help. And come back and share your experience and testimonies with us. Thanks to you mother sunlight. ‎