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Love is patient?

jellybean2009's picture

Not sure what to think. If I accept his behaviors they will continue but he is so bull headed to see that he does things that he needs to stop doing.
Part of me wants to run.
Part of me can't get my feet off the ground.
too much going on in my head.


belleboudeuse's picture

Jellybean, I just have two thoughts for you to ponder:

1. People treat you the way you teach them to treat you. If you put up with things that hurt you, then you are teaching him that it's okay to treat you that way.

2. I think it's very revealing, from what I've read of your blogs, that your H's response to any of your attempts to get him to hear you, is to blow you off and tell you it's your problem.


"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin