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Do you still???

ImpishTendencies's picture

When you've been disregarded, disrespected, and taken for granted.....

Do you still have sex with these men???

I'm positive that I would be dryer than burnt wood if I were treated that way. Go hump your spawn. Oh wait, you can't....


cant win for losin's picture

I've tried to warn/tell/explain (whichever) to fdh, that if he wants an honest answer to how great our relationship is, look in the bedroom.

My sex drive, performance mirrors my relationship to him. (emotionally)

Let's just say we are still in a drought.

stepintexas's picture

That is when you really have to "throw in on them" in the bedroom, it gets them to shape up outside of the bedroom!

3rdWife's picture

I do, because I don't want to make waves, and cause more questions and get into a big hassle about what's the matter with me. KY is your friend. Resentment requires it.

ImpishTendencies's picture

Well maybe that's true lol. My questions really just come from wanting justice for people on here. Some of the men are just unreal. It may just be more about personality differences. I just can't bear unfairness and will fight bitterly for my say.

I saw my skids for one whole day this past Saturday. Whoop de doo for us, smdh. But I did have issues for the first few years. Lately its only been about what a raging B!$#@ Butt Munch is.

ImpishTendencies's picture

It's not just about lube lolol Smile I literally can't touch someone intimately who has shown me over and over how little he respected ne.

stormabruin's picture

Absolutely not. Sex is supposed to be something to enjoy...for both.

I don't withhold to get my way, but I certainly will not participate if I feel disrespected or mistreated by DH.

ImpishTendencies's picture

Now, to be fair I am not an advocate for using sex as a weapon. Not my style. But in instances like I mentioned, it wouldn't be a weapon. More like self preservation.

Annanymous's picture

We only have sex if and when we both want to and are 'in the mood' OR if it was SMILEYFACE DAY (ovulation predictor kit showed up a smiley face for positive), wherein we had sex even if neither of us wanted to because that was Ovulation day. Yay.

I have not felt well or been in the mood hardly at all since getting pregnant, so I was like lets just do it since its been awhile, and DH refused, and said he didn't want to do it if I wasn't 'in the mood' cause it didn't feel right.

My poor DH. I want to WANT it, but ugh. I have no desire and no energy. I get fatigued and have to rest the next day just from having gone to Kohls for two hours to take DSD12 school shopping. I had to recoup on the couch the whole next day aching and sleeping.

ImpishTendencies's picture

I totally went through that with both pregnancies. I know exactly what you mean by wanting to want it. It does get better Smile

stepintexas's picture

When DH's kids were here and we fought alot, we still had great sex. It was a way to mark my territory (loudly), and my DH is physically the bomb and I have a big sex drive. Though I had to work through him not being appealing emotionally when the chaos was surrounding us, I kept thinking to myself that I needed to keep the intimacy going so we could continue the bond. I'm not going to lie, sometimes it was hard to be in the mood, but I knew I had to for the sake of a holistic relationship.

ImpishTendencies's picture

Funny enough, I understand that one. Haven't done it myself but for certain situations I can see that working.

stepintexas's picture

My DH has made me and US priority one and it is very nice. My DH is and I make each other our first priority, and that shows in how close our relationship is now, compared to when we first started out.

ImpishTendencies's picture

Omg, you poor things. I would've been a regular at the sex shop in that case!! I have something called a Pink Pocket false advertising there lol.

ImpishTendencies's picture

LMAO @light up dildo!!! I don't get it though! So if the condom comes off, you can use the dildo to find it? Does it light your whole uterus up?? See, now I'm curious Wink

hismineandours's picture

I find the more that we have sex-the more overall intimate our relationship is-and the more we are both willing to bend over backwards to please one another. It took me quite a while to realize this as I used to be one to just back off and not give it up if I was upset with him-until I realized that the more sex we had the less we argued about anything. In fact, we joke now if we are getting irritable with one another we just need to stop what we are doing and have sex!

stepintexas's picture

That is the same here. If it wasn't for the intimacy we kept during the trying and chaotic times, I don't think we would have lasted as a couple.

Sex is a huge issue to men. If there is no intimacy, that is a risk to the relationship.

hismineandours's picture

Agreed that it is a huge issue for men-but what I've also found is that it is a huge issue for ME as well. I never really knew it-until things get rocky between us and we stopped having it very often. I saw myself become more grouchy, irritable, overall negative, and depressed. Which I thought was just do to arguing. But even before we solved our problems (lol-they are not anywhere near being all solved) we started having sex again and that connection has allowed us to work as a team on things and keep something special that's just for us and about us.