I Found Another One...
My DS2 is slightly on the autism spectrum and we have therapists coming to the house everyday to work on his speech and feeding issues.
His speech therapist is dating a divorced dad with two daughters, ages 13 and 17. He wants to move in with her but she has reservations. He treats the girls like mini-wives and has told her that they will ENRICH her life (lolol, hahahahaha). He also calls her selfish for not wanting to move him in. He gets mad at her for pointing out when she thinks he's being taken advantage of. And has basically stated that his kids will always cone first.
She asked me if she was crazy to have these concerns. I looked at her and gave her this website. Then I told her to read the book Stepmonster. I told her that she is so not crazy and don't allow him to ruin her life.
I almost feel like its my civic duty to warn women about guilty dads! It's a freaking epidemic.
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Good for you!!!! She is
Good for you!!!! She is better off now that she has met you
I also feel it is my civic duty haha!
divorced dad or not, I am
divorced dad or not, I am always leary of nyone who throws out the word 'selfish' whenever someone won't do something that they want. Her moving him in changes her life and makes his life infintely better, but she is selfish for not jumping at it? How about HE is selfish for expecting her to take on him and his other wives?
When I heard the selfish
When I heard the selfish part, I had full blown alarms going off in my head. SHE is selfish but he won't bother to see how his baggage can be hard to deal with. Nope, there won't be any problems because she should love his mini wife spawn like he does.
I truly don't see how someone can literally say things like that with a straight face. His kids will enrich her life, gag me now...
You did a wonderful thing.
You did a wonderful thing. You may have saved not only that woman, but the father and his daughters, from years of what will certainly be unhappiness and misery.
Yeah, and now he threatened
Yeah, and now he threatened her with a breakup if she doesn't do what he wants. What a winner winner chicken dinner. The only upside I see in all this is that she found all this out BEFORE she let him move in!