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Just need to RAGE

HS752's picture

None of this is right...I feel like I am on an island.  Screaming silently, hoping and praying someone is seeing what I am seeing. 

The lies. The drama.  The misquoting and twisting of court orders. This waste of good oxygen. The absolute manipulation and emotional/phycological abuse of SD (12). My SO trying to fight BM in court, but getting tired and burnt out.  The crazy is never ending.  The progress is so slow.

We do not respond to her word vomit on OFW.  We go though his attorney or the GAL (who thankfully seems to be siding with my SO) for communication.

This was sent to my SO this morning.  This, after refusing to switch this past weekend with next because SO is being sent on a work trip during his parenting time.  This, after she has kept SD from her Grandfather for months and telling everyone it was because of the CO.

[SD] was ecstatic to finally be able to spend time with her Grandfather this weekend! They hung out, made homemade apple crisp together, went on some outings and they just had a fantastic time together. (funny, SD mentioned NONE of this when SO talked to her on Sunday) They had missed each other so much these past few months, it was heartbreaking to hear them when they got a chance to talk on the phone; saying how much they loved and missed the other. It was really a good weekend for her. On Sunday night October 22, somewhere around 3-330 in the morning, I was taken to the emergency room by ambulance. [SD] was able to say goodbye, tell me she loved me and put Puppy in my arms before the EMTs pulled away.  She and [her BF] followed the ambulance in the truck.  [SD] was there with me for several hours until I was stable, able to talk to her, reassure her I was going to be good to go in no time. (She was worried we wouldn't be able to do Mommy/Daughter time on Tuesday).  She and [her FB] returned home not too long after her usual bus pick up time, but she was absolutely exhausted. Not to mention shaken, upset, and worried. She was called in sick and went back to bed. I was released around 10am, far under the 24 hour notification period. [SD] is doing well and obviously happy and relieved everything turned out in the positive

I want to respond, I want to blast this delusional hose beast...but I have dealt with her kind is no use.  It will only feed her supply.  This is her story....this is her narrative.  I don't believe a word of it.  So much unnecessary detail.  We know SD was at the hospital and we know she missed school.....but all this is crazy.  Time for another email to the GAL....


Lillywy00's picture

Don't even respond to her mess. Just keep going through the lawyers. 

Unfortunately grandparents don't have rights in some states. (Unless they raised the grandkids)

No worries about raging. I rage on the forum all the time  because some of these bio parents are bumbling idiots. 

advice.only2's picture

Rage away, I know sometimes posters like to post on here how they would like to respond to some of the crazy bullsh@t spewed out by the GUBM, I’m sure that’s also helpful in getting all that rage out.

justmakingthebest's picture

All the things I have written here over the years with my I wish I could responds... It helps. A lot. 

The hospital was no place for SD to be. A good parent would have shielded her and not put her through that scare to begin with. 

HS752's picture

Thank you ALL for your kind have no idea just how much I needed to hear it today.

To think BM put her daughter through all of that.....makes me ill!!

thinkthrice's picture

By inappropriately treating SD as an adult peer/confidant.  Sadly standard operating procedure for the HCGUBM.

Harry's picture

BM Doesn't have to switch visatstions around.  He may just have to lose that time.  You can not control BM time and home.  One would think BM would want her DD to spend time with her father.  But this something you don't go to court over.  You are going to look like the crazy ones.  

Rags's picture

own ass. OFW is fully reviewable by the courts.she will hang herself. Just be direct, brief, and respond or engage BM clearly and succinctly.  Make sure the courts are reviewing OFW.  Regardless of BM's narative, she clearly states that she failed to surrender the Skid per the CO. Or she is about to make some excuse for failing to deliver SD per the CO.

Bare her ass, do not let her woe is me crap go unconfronted and make sure that the SKid is forced to sniff the odiferous eminations of the shit her BM is perpetrating.

As for rescheduling missed visitation time... Our CO and the Judge was clear. Any visitation a parent declines is lost.  The SpermClan attempted this crap when they claimed to not be able to afford their share of plane tickets for SS's SPermLand visitations. They attempted to roll their refused Winter  (1Wk) visitations and refused Spring (1Wk) visitations together with their ISummer (5Wks) visitation.  Nope. Not allowed under the CO. And for damned sure my DW did not allow it.  I would say that DH's job requirements have caused him to forego those days that he missed. That said, he can decline any visitation he chooses. That does not give BM any rights to deny his visitations per the CO.  If she ever fails to surrender the Skid per the COd visitation schedule, SO needs to drag BM to court under a contempt motion filing.  

The most universal advantage that most NCPs have is that they cannot be forced to take even COd visitation.  While the CP is required to care for the child any time the kids are not with the NCP. Even during COd time that the NCP refuses.

I suggest that DH not whine and beg for replacement time with his kids due to his work demands. He needs to make damned sure that he gets what he pays BM to do by paying his COd CS.  He pays BM to care for the child except during COd visitation time. He should make that message clear and deliver it repeatedly to BM.  He takes his kid when he wants his kid per the CO. Otherwise, BM is on the hook.  An NCP has to be fully clear on that advantage and play it to their benefit any time it is needed to keep the CP under control.

Though my side of the blended family equation is as the spouse of the CP,. As a man I also see how NCPs (usually bio-dads) are raped by the entire system and victimized by their X as that often toxic PASing X pollutes their failed family children with toxic crap.  Many STalker SMs live this in their blended family marriages/relationships to victimized NCP dads.

IMHO of course.