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Green eyed lazy monster

Hogger's picture

Just because my SO and I both work full time and have money to go on trips doesn't mean were aren't doing everything we can for my SS. BM is so jealous because we have 'extra' money and she doesn't...maybe she should get a job! Stop sending nasty texts and whining to anyone who will listen about how we deprive my SS and spend all our money on ourselves. We are taking a family vacation soon and bringing my SS with us, his first trip! We are all very excited to go. BM keeps complaining because we didn't buy everything on the list she sent for school supplies....that's what child support is for! My SO pays a lot of money to her every month, on time! Stop buying beer and cigarettes and use the money the way you are supposed to!!!!

venting.... Smile


mlmt1128's picture

I love that. BM seems to think ss needs to go on every vacation we take. Once a year he comes to Disney for 10 days. He's almost 15 and too freaking lazy to walk around all day, so normally after day 3 all he does is complain. We are entitled to take a trip without him once a year too. The difference in our case is we have him FT, she pays not one dime in child support and has spent a total of 3 weekends with him in almost 2 years. She bought zero items for school, and had the NERVE to claim him on her taxes when he didn't live there for one day!! She can watch him for one week while we get a break.

purpledaisies's picture

I totally here ya! Bubble butt refuses to get a job b/c being a full time mom is HER JOB. :sick: She even said that anyone with a full time job wouldn't bea ble to trade with her b/c it is thousand times harder! WHATEVER! I work full time and have every since i was young! supporting my 2 kids by myself, I KNOW what it is like to have little ones and work and go to school! But not bubble butt all she knows is how to stay home and 'be a mom'.

Bubble butt is ALWAYS screaming about money and how she doesn't have any b/c she is a single mom and it is all dh's fault and blah blah blah! EVERY TIME we get anything new or do anything that she thinks she shouldn't she has to scream poor me I'm a single mom and tell every one that will listen that dh is a dead beat and pays no CS and he buy this or that and give her no money or support his kids.

Truth is that dh pays a lot and keeps ins. and does everything he is supposed too.

My advise is to stick to the order and pay NOTHING beyond what the CO says! Why? B/c she will expect him to pay and keep paying and then ask for more and expect him to pay more and more. He can buy something IF he so chooses but I wouldn't pay for anything unless it is ordered.
My dh did pay for things like their letter man jackets and things like that. But he did it b/c bm did not ask and he knew how important things like that are. He told bm that if she got the leather one he would pay for half so would last.

I tell her all the time she needs to get a job when she screams about money. Last time she said something about me buying something she said that she is a single mom (again with the single mom crap) that she can't afford such frivolousness. Dh told her that purple has a job and she bought it! I would just start saying you can too when you get a job. That will shut her up.

Newstep's picture

Geez are we all dealing with the same BM :? She seems to think she is entitled to our money!! Just because the court order gives you an outrageous amount of CS per month does not mean you live off of it!! Get a job and support yourself so you can use the CS to get SD the things she needs. Telling her to call her dad to buy doesn't work anymore. Sorry went off on a rant about my situation Wink These BM's drive me nuts. I have worked since I was in HS and always took care of myself.

My BF and I do things alone all the time I don't feel guilty or bad about it at all. BM and SD seem to think that we should only do things when SD is with us I don't think so!!! We have a nice life as a couple and as a family and we enjoy every minute of it Smile