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Bursting with annoyance and desperately trying to hold it in

Helpless0987's picture

It's been such a tireing weekend what should b my 3 days to relax from a full-time job just ends up being complete chaos from the time I get out of work till I go to bed the last day of the weekend. These kids are out of control. No matter how much time I spend with ss10 how many games we play, or one on one time it's never enough. Everythings a 20 min argument weather it's put your shoes on, take a shower or we have to go in for the night.... I can't take the whining and arguing. He wants to take over everything. He threw a temper tantrum at the Ice cream stand and refused to get out of the car for unknown reasons to me..... Dad buys him ice cream anyways although I really don't think the kid deserved it and baby talks him the entire time every family outing with him is ruined because he just starts acting out Amd ruining everyines time by either not getting out of the car folding his arms and refusing to talk whatever the case. It annoys me how much he baby's him and let's him ruin everything u can't even watch tv because he will talk the entire time.... There's no point in holding conversations with anyone because he constantly interiors them to all u here is dad dad dad blah blah blah then he tries to enter the adult conversation.... When u ask him to let us talk he just acts out again and more arguing more fighting.... I canning wait for him to go home..... It's sad. But i stress for days knowing they are going to be here.... There's no break. I work all week and stress all weekend. How can my bf and his mom constantly cater to this kid like he's a 2nd old ??? How do the baby him so much it disgusts me!


alwaysanxious's picture

I stress knowing they are coming and while they are here. No relaxing.

Sounds like its time for you to do things without the dad and skid. Go out with your friends, stay home and relax in your bedroom. Get away from them.

There is no reason why you can't just leave it all to his dad. The child isn't yours. Time for dad to take over.

Helpless0987's picture

At times I do, but eventually I do have to come home lol. I've also noticed quite a bit lately that the more I stop doing for dad the more arguments we get into. Of the kids want a ride somewhere I think he should do it, or if they leave messes everywhere I think he should clean them or make the kids clean them, and he's getting into fights with me because I don't want to do. If I tell them no he gets mad at me. Honestly I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Thy are his not mine, and well I have tried and tried again to make everyone happy, I'm making myself miserable. Like right now the whole house is a mess fromwhat his kids did last night, I've asked them to pick it up, they won't, then they start and go outside to play, dad has said he will do it but the truth is he will never touch it..... He doesn't make them listen to me when the only thing they are asked to do is pick uP after themselves, and he's not pitching in when they are his spoiled kids... So frustrating