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Hello Its Sami Jo's Blog

Punishment for the racist parrot

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Thursday we met with BM2 for family therapy, so fun. She once again agreed to try the week on/week off schedule. As soon as she left I told SO to wait for the call/text to back out. It came maybe an hour later. SO forced it on her anyway. She made a big scene about the lack of child support (SO has custody) and how she can't afford to care for SD13 for a week. Her bills are paid by the state, she gets disability for her and SD13 and food stamps for both of them. We provided her with uniforms, after school clothes and even offered to do transportation.

Long multiple rants about standards

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SO and I argued last night about BM2 coming to our home/SO going to hers for family therapy, going to look at schools together, pretty much their whole coparenting "plan". BM2 will say one thing to the therapist and call the next day to refuse to do as she said. I don't care about that. I don't think they should even attempt to co parent anymore. It's been a year and nothing has or will change. SO is folowing her lead with parenting SD13 and it's ridiculous. SD13 is treated like a child with a mental disability.

OT Gardening Soil

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Because of SO, MIL, SD18, SD13 and a babysitter I lost my job about a month ago. I'm 5 months pregnant so finding a new job, which takes a while for me, is pointless. I'm going crazy. I have my DS2 to care for but I think he's getting tired of me playing with his toys.

The point is I desperately need a hobby. I crochet and started to work with lace for the first time. Irish motifs are gorgeous but time consuming and hard to restart when DS2 naps or gives me a break.

Custody Orders

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

SO and I are currently writing up a custody agreement that he and BM2 may or may not agree on. I know she won't care about the details, just the primary custody and child support. She's probably going to throw a fit over the morality clause, no less than a 3 month relationship for overnight visits. Sorry BM2, the parade of hot dogs and clams will have to stop. (And she wonders why SD13 needs constant attentions and has a crush on everyone she meets.)

Just curious what all was included in your CO or what you wish was included.

Family journal to help with PAS?

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

A lot has changed since my last blog.

SD18 has been kicked out.
SD13's behavior improved dramatically the first day and has been consistent since.
SO is becoming a better parent, at least I think so.
Family therapy has started.
DS1's behavior has improved.
SS15 is happier.
BM2 is still a dumbass.
I've engaged again.

Should I stay disengaged or try again?

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For the most part I've been disengaged for about 4 months now. Started slowly, not helping with homework, meds, drop offs/pick up, etc. I haven't cooked for, cleaned up after, or really spoken to SD13 in about a month. It seems like she's starting to get it. She's not AS disrespectful as she was months ago and a little better with chores.

I'm trying to disengage, not become a back seat parent

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

Yesterday I had to work at 5 and SD13 gets off of the bus at 4:25 so I wanted to be long gone. Of course DS1 woke up from his nap and ran to the door, "mommy no go" and cried, so I stayed until 4:25. As I was leaving SD13 was getting off of the bus. She stopped me, after refusing to really talk to her for a week, other than the go ask your dad comments, and asks me a stupid question.

SD13- will I get in trouble for asking the bus driver to turn the heat down?

Me- thought about it for a second and knew there was more to it so: idk go ask your dad.

Well YOU have the child support now!!!!!

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I swear if I have to listen to BM2 use this as an excuse for not taking DS13 on her court ordered days or any day ever again I'm going to lose it.

For us it's not child support, it's his paycheck. Even if we could take your welfare whore ass for child support we wouldn't because we are 2 ADULTS that work to support our kids . We'd rather you spend that $50 a month on things for your child. Maybe some clothes or pads or even some socks. Maybe then we wouldn't have to replace everything once a month.
