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Lost it twice in 1 week8:

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

First time was a few days ago.

SD13 and SD18 were arguing about chores. I still don't believe an adult should have chores, let alone argue with a child about them.

It was DS1STB2's first night in his toddler bed so I was busy trying to finish setting his room up and get him ready for the transition. They argued for 3 friggin hours over the chores and I finally had emough and told them to split it. They had quite a bit since neither had done any in days. I told SD13 to do half of the dishes first while SD18 started on the living room since it's more important for dishes to be done. SD18, trying to be the adult, struts to the kitchen ans starts her half. I tell her to leave and do what I asked. She decided to yell at me and say I'm not in charge of her.

I really did try to remain calm, even though disrespect sets me off, but she kept at it. Told her to go to her room. SD18: You thimk just because you're with my dad you're in charge blah blah blah.

Once again told her to go to her room and not come out. The arguing continues and I lost it. I told her to get the fuck out of my house if she doesn't like my rules or go to her room. More arguing, trying to over talk me. Told her to stop being a child and if she didn't go to her room and stay there until her dad got home that I'd pull out the lease with MY name on it, call the cops ans have them remove her. Told her I don't give a fuck if she's starvingor shits in the corner of her room, she better not come out.

More arguing of course, and repeating myself over and over. She finally went to her room. SD13 tried to jump in with "well I think..." She was shut down really quick.

I texted SO that SD18 needs to go. He agreed.

SD18 has been making herself scarce for the last few days. Fine with me.

Then last night happened. I worked until almost 1am and had to be up at 6am with DS1, then back at work at 11. I walked in the house and almost walked back out. The living room had food on the floor and in the high chair, toys everywhere, dining room had food all over the table and trash scattered on the floor, every dish, pot, spoon, etc was dirty and piled all over the kitchen, trash overflowing. That was only the first floor. I checked on DS1 then woke up SO and told him I won't live like this. He had better change shit quick or I'm gone. If he didn't I'd wait until I went on maternity leave and I'd move in with my mom, 3 hours away.

I started crying, I blame the pregnancy hormones, and SO jumped up. That asshole cleaned the 1st floor and basement on his own. He even tossed the SDs' clothes that were in the basement for months.

I slept in DS1's room and wouldn't talk to SO until this morning. He promised to get SD18 out before summer and straighten SD13 out. Thank god for DS1 and SS15. Love the boys.

Hopefully SO can get the girls in line. I don't want to take our 2 children 4 hours away but if I have to I will.


twoviewpoints's picture

" The living room had food on the floor and in the high chair, toys everywhere, dining room had food all over the table and trash scattered on the floor, every dish, pot, spoon, etc was dirty and piled all over the kitchen, trash overflowing."

Not sure why the SO is getting a pass here. He couldn't bother to clean up the high chair and area around it (no clue while high chair is in livingroom to begin with?}. The toys all over, certainly weren't the mess of a 13 and 18yr old, either.

Why would it occur to Dad to ask his girls to perhaps help out in the kitchen after the dinner bomb if he, himself, isn't bothered by sitting out in the livingroom all evening surrounded by toddler mess. And no, it is not the teenage girls responsibility to clean up after baby and Dad. Except for the clothing in the basement, me thinks this house would have looked just like this even if the girls weren't there at all.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

So glad you shared this, but sorry for the hell you're going through! I have a defiant SD19 who is away at college and a naive, juvenile SD13 who wants to be a boy at home. BM died 2 years ago.

I have had run-ins with SD19 on occasion, and she is only here 4 months out of the year because she is in college. She doesn't like being told what to do. Anytime DH or I have asked her to do something, it doesn't get done. DH will ask nicely one day for her to clean up her room. It doesn't get done. The next day I ask her to clean her room and she goes off on me! She is the little mini-wife, who thinks she is all grown up. I have been telling DH more and more lately that his kid is the problem, not the two of us together.

SD19 has called me immature and talked down to me in front of SD13 and DH before. If this shit ever starts up again, I will tell her she is over 18 so she can get the hell out. She is toxic and I don't need her in my home! DH always says, "But she's my daughter...." Good DH, grow her the hell up and teach her to respect adults! That's the problem these days, kids back talk and there are no consequences.

I was on Dad #3 by the time I was 7. I never back talked to my SDad. He was the kindest, most reasonable man and didn't ask me to do anything out of the norm. He raised me right. I have tried to do right by these girls but they don't think they have to listen sometimes! SD19 is the big problem. I have no problem putting SD13 in her place because she listens and isn't defiant. SD19, on the other hand, thinks her shit don't stink and thrives on the attention.

I have just started really telling DH how toxic SD19 is, and that this house is a better place when she isn't here over break. She isn't coming home for spring break next week because I won't let her bring her hedgehog into our home. Don't know if you read about that one! }:)

Get your DH on board, for the sake of your DS, your sanity and your pregnancy. Get SD18 out. Ship her ass off to college or the military. These mini-wives don't get to make the rules. If you're so mature go out into the world and do it on your own already! Thanks for the vent! LOL


Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

There's a lot to reapond to so sorry of I miss anything.

It's 3 hours, I'm using a tablet and the keys are close together, SD18 broke my laptop.

I am on the fence with the adult/child situation. She wants to be treated like an adult, and I always have treated her that way. She chooses to act like a child though.

The argument didn't start over her doing the wrong chore, I should have clarified that. SD18 pushed SD13 out of the way and demanded that, even though I said otherwise, SD18 got to start first. I wouldn't say I argued with her, I'm not saying I wasn't immature about it thiugh. I raised my voice and had to yell because she kept over talking me.

The problem is she demands respect but never gives any. This wasn't an issue until her mom kicked her out. She's always been the easiest to deal with. She's been 'upset' since her dad decided that after almost a year of being out of school and not working that she needed to find a job or go to school. She came to me and when I told her I agreed with him she got pissed.

I don't think she lacks respect for me because I'm just a girlfriend, we are engaged though. That has never been an issue, like I said.

I don't call cleaning up a chore once you're an adult. I think it's a responsibility. I even have a chore/responsibility chart.

The high chair im the living room is an ongoing battle. I want it put away, and I've done this several times.

SO did not get a free pass. That's part of the reason he got up and did it all himself. This has also been an ongoing battle with him. He thinks since he works he doesn't have to clean, but it's ok that I work, take care of everything involved in running a household inside and out, our kids and am pregnant. He works 3rd shift so him sleeping during the day is normal and he can't always be awake for the older kids.

The kitchen and dining room messes were just the girls. I wash as I go when I cook and after eating and SO never cooks. I never ask the girls to clean up after DS1 UNLESS they ask to switch chores for whatever reason and that's the only option.

SD18 only does her chores when it's convenient for her. Like 5am before dad gets home so the dishes sit all night. She won't look for a job, declined our offer to pay for a few college courses because she didn't want to start in a month, barely does her chores as it is (every few days) and half asses them. She won't cook for herself, won't clean up after herself and is disrespectful to everyone in the house. A good example is I caught her hitting DS1 in the face with a ball over and over. Told her to stop and never do it again. She does it again and said he enjoys it. No. He's almost 2. I'm not letting anyone teach my son how to be a bully or get bullied. Another example, she held DS1 upside down and the dog bit his face. I told her he was crying and to stop and the dog bit him. SD18: he's not crying he likes it. No he didn't bite him. She bullies SS15 and claims he bullies her.

SD18 has issues that go beyond this post. This argument isn't the only reason she needs to leave. SD13 is heading in the same direction. She is influencing the younger kids and my step life is crumbling because of that.

SO does need to parent her. He does great and then fucks up by trying to befriend his children. I will never be my son's friend, only his mom.

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

And yes I saw the hedgehog post, reminded me of when we got that damn puppy.

I'm pretty much a lurker here, I see it as a journal with comments lol. I appreciate the advice I've gotten here, mostly from other's blogs that I read, and I always use it if I can/it's relevant.

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

Also, I agree that the whole point of chores and responsibilities is to teach them how to function on their own. SD18 has the same chores as SD13 and SS15, she should have more or at least harder ones.

DS1 cleans up his own toys when I'm here. He's learning to make his own bed too. After our bedtime story he outs his own book back. This is what I expect from the girls. The biggest issue is they won't pick up their own things, wash their own dishes, won't shower or brush their teeth etc.

I think it's hilarious that SD18 teases SD13 for not brushing her teeth everyday when SD18 showers maybe twice a month. The lack of hygiene came from their moms. They've both lived with their mothers until last year. I'm stuck trying to fix their lack of parenting.

I don't think the big problems came from us. When BM1 couldn't handle SS15 she sent him to live with us during the summer, I was a SAHM at the time. SS15 hasn't had issues since. DS1 is as well behaved as any toddler. The nieces I practically raised are well behaved also. SO does do the disneydad thing with the teens though.

Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

Twice a month that I can tell. SO works 3rd and I work 1st or 2nd so someone is always home but we never hear the shower. We've tried talking to her about it but can't. She thinks we are being disrespectful and hate her. Same as when we try to get her to do something with her life. I can't stand the smell, I won't get close to her and sure as hell can't eat with her in the room. SD13 is refusing to shower now too.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Oh Jesus, only 2x a month from an 18yo? I'll see if my SD13 can beat that. I am so sorry.

~ Moon