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Glad I found this site...(long)

heidimutter's picture

Mostly because I've been dealing with being a SM for the past six years, and shouldering most of the burden myself; thanks for having a place to vent and get support. I have SS13, SD9, and my two daughters 5 & 3. It has been a rocky road, mostly because of bipolar, unmedicated, codependent, and incompetent BM (oh yes, who is also a nymphomaniac with a victim complex), and who occasionally happens to be funny, together, and intelligent (although, not consistently enough to make her a good parent).

Two weeks ago, BM decides to move back to her home state, and leave SS13 and SD9 with us, citing "lack of support system" (right: we share custody of the children, keep them weekday mornings/afternoons because they catch the bus here, plus my H managed to over-pay her for 5 years, causing us severe monetary problems, so that his older children would always have a place to live...she has a history of being evicted for non-payment and filthy living space). Regardless of all that, and after spending two hours in mediation where she insisted that the children come live with her (great idea, uproot them from school mid-year, take them from their siblings, friends, stable living environment, she leaves. Money well spent, for sure...they have an agreement to re-assess in December, with the understanding that the kids should stay here for the moment. Meanwhile, she's back home with her parents, working a new job 9-6pm, and speaking with the SK's every day; my impression is that all of her whining to have the kids back with her is lip-service, and they would end up living with their grand-parents (her version of support is somebody take all the responsibility for raising them, and she can just do the fun stuff).

The SK's obviously love their mom, and me...well, not so much...since I have a different idea of raising children (evil step-mom: makes us clean up our room, forces us to brush teeth and bathe, sets appropriate rules and boundaries, ie. can't watch porn on computer/tv; loves her own children more than us, etc.). In general, they are lovely children, kind, caring and good to their little sisters. Whether or not they like me seems irrelevent, given that they are children and I'm the adult, and being a teacher by trade, I'm used to the "she's mean" credo. I generally get along better with SS13, mostly because he's pretty stable; SD9 is rather like her mother, which causes me great concern, especially in relation to my own girls.

At this point, SD9 thinks her father is forcing her to stay "because she'll miss her sisters" and making things more complicated at the moment. The past week was particularly bad, given that we were into week two without BM, haven't had any real family discussions (H is allergic to these), and I had professional responsibilities every night (very hard on all of us, to be sure). H was already pissed (remember, a man's career is always more important than a womens, and woe to us if we try and do that plus raise children), and then to add salt to his wounds, finds SD alone a few minutes after 7am one morning this week, when I've walked out the door with BD5 to get to the bus-stop on time. Okay, here's the exchange: "Where's SM & S?" SD9: "SM left with sister to bus-stop, leavning me alone, like she always does." This was a calculated, manipulative lie, btw: in the past two weeks I've had to walk out 2x without her, and she knows that we have to leave right at 7am). H gives me the cold shoulder for two days; SD9 is happy.

Next in the story: H wakes me up at 12:30am this morning to tell me how disappointed he is in me, how I've yet again put my needs above everyone elses, and btw, how could I leave the house without the sensitive SD, who is only 9 years old." WTF??? Seriously??? Now, H is a hothead, and used to have heated fights in front of their children with ex, which I refuse to do; I'm way more passive-aggressive, and won't engage in conversation without letting my first anger abate. I leave the room, and come back to remind him of all the things I have done: worked hard to be sensitive to SD9 by listening and spending more time with her; getting up every morning with the girls, making lunches, cleaning, cooking, etc, and working full time. His response: "Well, when I see you don't care for my kids, it makes me rethink our whole relationship."

At this point, I simply stopped the conversation. I've known for a long time that the BM was really only part of the problem here; in truth, my husband is responsible for a lot of the problems we currently are experiencing. This is a diagnosed diabetic, who went off his medication for four years, and just ignored it. This is a guy who waits for things to happen to him (as opposed to me), and as a result, I end up doing the bulk of the work and resenting the shit out of it (my fault, I own it). This is a gentleman who is funny, caring, and intelligent, but isn't really in touch with reality (peter-pan syndrome). His solution was "maybe we should send the kids to their BM, and I'll deal with the repercussions." Who is he kidding? I'm the one who will have to deal with it...financially, emotionally, etc. Again, not in touch with realty here.

And here's the real kicker: while I believe he supports all his children, I don't think he actually knows the truth about how manipulative SD9 can be. Sometimes I catch her on the tale end of a conversation with my D5, and she's saying some pretty nasty stuff and I've seen her pinch (not as bad as my brothers who used to beat each other senseless, but bad enough.) And often she journals about how much she hates me and D5...yes, I read it. It was through the same means that I found out she saw naked pictures of her mother sucking some dude's you-know-what on her mom's computer a while back. Nice. There are some things I prefer to know about, unlike my husband.

So, where to go from here? I'm frankly tired of being undervalued, and tired of fighting an up-hill battle. Therapy may be an option, although H isn't the kind of guy to go without a fight. When BM left, I really felt like a burden had been lifted; her absence felt like a new lease on the whole family situation. Apparently I'm the only one who was thinking that way. I think the bigger truth here is, my H doesn't like the added responsibility of full-time care, and will only accept his version of love for the SK's. When I do my best, it's simply not good enough. I've taken to fantasizing regularily about taking my two girls, and living a simplier without drama (other than the regular kid kind). I wouldn't change having my two beautiful girls, and I do love my husband, and value him for the things he does well, but if I'd known 6 years ago how hard this was, I wouldn't have signed on.

Thanks for letting me vent.


stepmom2one's picture

I think we all feel that if we had known how hard it was we would have taken another road....blended families are tough.

I have BSs 6 months and 3 yrs (with H) and SD10. She is a wonderful girl but has lied a lot about me in the past causing a lot of trouble with BM, and stress. I have since let it all go, but it was hard to get over SDs manipulations, and lies. It was tough but it has served me well to let it all go and concentrate on helping to raise SD that best I can. Although my situation is a bit different since my H has always believed me, but I would say 99% of the time SD lied about me he was either their or I was at work! It was impossible for it to have happened.

Believe me, I know how manipulative a child can be! SD would lie about me when I was in the next room! I would go in and yell at her for lying; she was trying her best to be sure everyone hated me. I had done nothing but loved and cared for SD--I had gotten nothing in return but lies---she was ruining my life.

I know just how you feel right now. You want to be rid of it all, DHs overprotective, overly sensitive attitude towards SD, and see how well SD would like it without you---since she is completely ungrateful for all you do for her.

But remember that she is just 9 ( I know with manipulation and lies to turn people on you she seems more like 16!) and she like many children her age have no idea how much work goes into caring for them. DH, well, I have no excuse for him. He needs to get it together! He is guilt parenting, IMO, and he is going to let his small child ruin his marriage. However, I would consider counseling.... it may seem like your life would be drama free without them but keep in mind you have 2 DDs with this man. You will have drama (not the same but stress none the less), a divorce, shared visitation, a CO/CS, and in the future another SM to deal with (some are good, some are bad).

I realize that DH is wrong here, SD is a trouble maker out to ruin your current existence and possibly your marriage. But take a step back and seek counseling....DH might change, your daughters was worth the shot.