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Well it was very bad of me but...

HeatherM's picture

And really not in my character as I'm good at 'hiding' my feelings... but I'm having a problem these days standing the sight of my SS. This is because of his most recent lie about my BS, and what I've had to do to ensure it doesn't happen again. He will not see his Step brother much at all anymore as I've rearranged the schedules... this August will mark our last family holiday, and I cancelled family photos that were supposed to be done.. really, all because of his lie and his parents reaction to it...

So this morning... he's staring at he always does...just staring... and I said "Don't look at me"... "I can't stand your lies anymore!"... you know what he did? SMILED.



Pantera's picture

He smiled because he knows it got to you. Maybe if you ignore him and act like it doesn't bother you he will stop?

I know exactly what you are going through. In my case it got worse. It didn't matter if it bothered me or not. I would try to act like it doesn't bother you for now.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Isn’t it amazing how a child can unnerve even the strongest adult..?
I’m sorry you’re going through this with your ss… pinning one persons kid against the other will never come out with a clear winner… no matter where the clear fault lies. Just be strong… continue to stick up for your child and make sure he feels secure in his home.
A few times I had to physically stop myself from flipping oldest SS the bird while he was staring a hate-hole in the back of my head!!! I’ve learned to go the crayon rout and turn it into something funny… usually I’ll turn around and grab him by the face and plant a great big kiss on his forehead… he HATES that to no end!!!

starfish's picture

try to just let his behaviors not get to you or at the very least don't let him know it's getting to you... and do exactly like you're doing and don't include him on anything fun, make sure fun stuff happens when he is with bm! will dh do photos without skid?? if not, just get photo with you & bs only....