Well we’ve been without SS for 3 weeks now. I’m heading out on holidays with my BS and BD for a week. SS and Us are flying home at the same time, and I’m already irritated! I should be missing him or something shouldn’t I? But, I know how it’s going to be. He’s flying in with his Grandma who will be staying with us a few days. Grandparents treat him as though he is still an infant. I know my first week home from holidays will be to deal with him, and try to get him back to where he was prior to the trip. I’m just not up for it I guess. Although it’s understandable, he’ll be all over his Dad because he hasn’t seen him in a month (by that time), and he’ll dominate all of his dad’s attention… oh… I already know what a stressful week that is going to be… maybe I should stay on holidays for two weeks so I miss it all! That would be wonderful, but a no-can-do.
BM calls and says she’s “letting” us have him for her week, because she know’s how much Dada misses him… the truth is… she wants another week to herself! And now I hear that she’s working out of town, and that’s the reason… oh bother.. whatever.
I originally took ½ the week I’m back off to spend with MIL…but I’ve since changed plans. She can take care of our infant 8 year old SS while she is visiting… and I will gladly go to work. I’m taking my daughter to daycare too as I imagine he will not like sharing the limelight with his little sister… and if I’m not there to watch him.. he’ll probably push her or something…
grrr I can’t believe I’m so aggravated about it, and it hasn’t even happened yet!
- HeatherM's blog
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