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Fighting with the Ex wife and the babying of a 6 year old

heartpains's picture

The ex wife came by to pick up my ss6. She literally picks him up and pats his butt and calls him mommy's big boy. Seriously the kid is six and half my size and way to heavy to pick up.She still pushes him around in a stroller through the park I've seen her. But in all of her glory she feels high and might enough to call me a bad mother. How dare I yell at her kid. How dare her kid act like a wild animal at the dinner table almost knocking a sippy cup onto my 1 year old daughter. How dare your her kid terrorize my twin girls running after them and scaring them ,knocking over their blocks, sticking his hand in their apple sauce. Someone has to do something. It will be his father and when his father is not around at that very second it will be me. I yelled once. But I do tell him no and I do give rules. Even my 1 year old's have rules without rules look what happens. Did I want to talk to the ex wife using my fist instead of my words yes. But I gave her no satisfaction to her ranting. I scooped up my little ones and headed into the house. Let her and my husband yell back and fourth. Se will always have something to say and I will never feel like listening. Hopefully my husband is getting the real picture. I mean come on now someone has to actually raise the kid. He does try and he is a good dad but the spoiling has to end because its going to be bad in the long run.But who listens to the step parents. What do we know? After all we are just the people who deal with your demon spawn and delivish ex wifes out of love. When your kid grows up to be a man baby don't look at me all i'm going to say is I told you so and he's not living in my basment.


farting_glitter's picture

^^^^this made me sick on my stomach... :sick: .....sounds like my DHs' exW...she babys the hell out of Princess Boy, just like yours....she breastfed him til he was over 2 years old....yes 2...he was walking, talking, and eating actual solid foods but she was still letting him suck off her boob..... :sick:

heartpains's picture

lol. Do they not know how they look pushing those big kids in strollers. Give me a break.! so ridiculous. STOP BABYING YOUR KIDS PEOPLE. I don't even talk to my one year olds in a baby voice like BM does with SS6.