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oh happy 13

had enough 29's picture

well its my ss 13th birthday ,so his moms all about celebrating ,even though she just went to a teachers meeting yesterday and they told her he doesnt turn in his work and is pretty much failing,and when the teacher ask him a question in class he just stares off and says "what", and says he cant find his pencil.They ask her if he was on medicine because they think he is over medicated,she replies no,hes not on meds,,,so what the F#$%^ is their too celebrate,his delinquent behavior,my Lord i just cant do it ,he is so lazy we gave him simple house chores and he cant even do that,he cant clean his room,,so lets reward him by buying him stuff taking him out to eat,its complete bullshit he doesnt deserve it,,,just the thought of sitting across from him while he smacks like a barn yard animal ,out at a resteraunt makes me nauseated,there is no likeing this monster,maybe if he went too bootcamp and came back a decent human being with a brain,then maybe we could work on it ...I just cant stand being around him ,,,I find myself going to work more just to get away from him,,,i hate to feel like this toward someone ,but i feel like bm is trying to force me to spend time with him ,and i just cant do it,how can u spend time with someone you cant stand ,,he makes me crazy,as soon as he comes in the house im ready for him go somewhere else,, Sad


Anon2009's picture

I agree with allgirls in that SS can probably sense how you feel about him. We are not trying to belittle you or disagreeing with you that the kid has problems. It sounds like BM needs to try something new with him, and he could probably use the help of a therapist who can teach him better, healthier ways of dealing with his issues. He might have a disability of some sort. If he's misbehaving a lot and rude, then BM also needs to try a new, effective way of disciplining him because their current method isn't working.

However, I think its ok for BM to celebrate his birthday with him. Would I let him have friends over? No, I'd save that for when he gets his grades up. But I'd take him out for dinner and let him open some presents.

hismineandours's picture

I dont blame you-who wants to celebrate a kid that wont do as he is told at home or school? I wouldnt be making a big deal of my kids bdays if they were having consistently bad behavior. I'm not saying I wouldnt recognize it at all-but perhaps a cake at home and a small gift. And I would tell them exactly why we arent doing more.

MyLifeMyRules's picture

My DDs 12th bday was afew weeks ago. Had the whole shabang planned dinner movie rolles skateing and sleepover for her and 7 friends. Two days before the party her progress report is emailed. She went from all As her whole life to all Cs! So guess what? She had to call all hes friends and cancel. BUT we love her boundlessly and it was still "her day" we still celebrated just at casa ole with the family instead. And the Nook she would have gotten was returned. She still got gifts just not the extravegant one. But most of all she knows that no matter what she does to screw up she is surrounded by love.

MyLifeMyRules's picture

My DDs 12th bday was afew weeks ago. Had the whole shabang planned dinner movie rolles skateing and sleepover for her and 7 friends. Two days before the party her progress report is emailed. She went from all As her whole life to all Cs! So guess what? She had to call all hes friends and cancel. BUT we love her boundlessly and it was still "her day" we still celebrated just at casa ole with the family instead. And the Nook she would have gotten was returned. She still got gifts just not the extravegant one. But most of all she knows that no matter what she does to screw up she is surrounded by love.